June 26, 2011

Purity: June 24, 2011




Freedom from anything that pollutes or contaminates; uncontaminated; without evil; guiltless; undefiled.


But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield and without hypocrisy. James 3:17.

He who has clean hands and a pure heart; he shall receive blessing from the Lord. Psalm 24:4-5

I stir up your pure minds by way of a reminder that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken by the holy prophets. II Peter 3:1-2.

Holding the mystery (revealed truth) of our faith with a pure conscience. I Timothy 3:9.


People today are very concerned about how they look. It is mind boggling to think of all the money, time and effort people spend to make themselves look good. People try everything including cosmetics, beauty treatments, exercise, gyms, spas, diets and when all else fails, plastic surgery.

All this is just to improve their outward appearance. What we should be more concerned about is what we are like on the inside because although we look on the outward appearance, the Lord looks at what is on the inside (I Samuel 16:7). Believers should spend their time and effort on making sure they are pure and uncontaminated on the inside.

When we think of the word purity we think of several scriptural references to describe this word. These include being uncontaminated from the evils of this world, innocent and regenerated.

Purity is applied figuratively to God’s wisdom as James tells us in the verse above. Wisdom is from above and it is first pure and then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield and without hypocrisy.

Purity as it applies directly to the believer includes first to the believers heart (Psalm above). When our hearts are pure it will be evident because we will strive to live honest and moral lives that honor the Lord our God. If our hearts are pure our hands will be clean and uncontaminated by evil deeds. The believer must have clean hands and a pure heart.

Secondly, it is used in relation to the believers mind (II PETER above). Peter writes to believers desiring to stir up our minds to remember and follow the words given to us in God’s Holy Word. If we obey God’s Word we will keep our minds pure. Finally, purity is applied figuratively to the believer’s conscience (I Timothy above).

Our faith provides a pure conscience. A pure conscience enables us to discern right from wrong. Living a pure life as a believer is something we should always strive for. When we were raising our children we often talked about the need of purity in our talk, our walk and our actions. We need to always be on our guard not to fall into a trap because the devil would always do his best to set unassuming traps for us to fall into.


Our memory verse for this week is found in James 1:19.

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak. Slow to wrath.


Help me to live a pure life today, honoring You with my thoughts and my actions.

Example: June 23, 2011




Something to be imitated or to be avoided; a pattern or model; an instance for illustration.


All these --- obtained a good testimony through faith. Hebrews 11:39

I am ready to preach the gospel to you. Romans 1:15.

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” I Corinthians 11:1


The redeemed sinners listed in Hebrews 11 (above) are all remembered for one common virtue --- great faith. They all obtained a good testimony through their faith. Long after their deaths, the record of their lives of faith and obedience still inspires us today. They were and are examples to be followed.

John Wilkes Booth’s place in history is that of a villain. He was an actor but became famous because he killed President Abraham Lincoln. After the south lost the civil war, Booth wanted to be remembered as its avenger against the north, but instead he is remembered as an assassin who killed an unarmed Lincoln with a gunshot to the back of the head. His example in history is that of a murderous coward.

In contrast Abraham Lincoln will be remembered as an example of a president who preserved the union, freed the slaves and exhibited malice toward none and charity for all. Few of us will have a recorded place in history as do Lincoln, Booth and those listed in Hebrews 11. But certainly we would want to be remembered as a good example like Lincoln and not as a bad example like Booth, but how much better to be remembered as a person of great faith like the faithful men of God in Hebrews 11.

The apostle Paul is an example of a man of great faith and a committed desire to spread the good news of the gospel. Paul also showed, by his example, that he believed in the power of prayer. In Romans 1:9, he says he remembered the people in the church in Rome always in his prayers. He was eager and ready to preach the gospel to them. By example Paul made it clear that he was not ashamed of the gospel he preached. He left for us a wonderful example of a life that honored God completely.

At the time Paul was teaching the Corinthians about Christ, the gospel had not been written. They only knew about Jesus Christ through Paul’s preaching. Paul followed the example of Christ, therefore, he could say to them, “follow my example.” If we want to be a good example for our children and family to follow, we must make sure we are following the example that Christ has given us.

We will leave memories for our families and hopefully a positive example to those who knew us. We desire only to be remembered for living a God fearing life and a life of faith and obedience to Him. What kind of an example will you leave on this earth? The memory of a godly life speaks more eloquently than words.


Our memory verse for this week is found in James 1:19.

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.


It is our prayer today that our family will be an example of You to those we meet. May others see clearly in us a love for You, a love for them and a love for Your Word. Give us strength to serve You and love You with all we have.

Truth: June 22, 2011




Conformity with fact or reality; the actual state of a matter; a verified or indisputable fact.


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6.


Many times the question is asked, “What is truth?” The answers are many. But the verse we have written above gives us the one and only true answer. Jesus is the truth. Many will argue this fact but the believer will not.

Jesus is God’s Son. God is holy and perfect and He cannot lie. God is the source of all truth. Jesus is not only God’s only begotten Son but He is one with the Father and was with God from the beginning. Therefore, Jesus could factually say, “I am the truth.” Like God, His Father, He cannot lie. Jesus also said that he is the way and the life. Yes, He is the “way” and the only way that we can come to the Father. He is the “life” because it is only through Him that we can receive eternal life. These are Jesus’ words and we can believe them because He is truth.

When Jesus was on trial before Pilate, in answer to Pilate’s interrogation, Jesus said, “I came into the world to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me” (John 18:35). Pilate asked, “What is truth?” Pilate had “the truth” standing right in front of him but he did not recognize truth. Pilate did not wait for an answer so apparently he did not want to know. Most people do not really want to know truth today and, like Pilate, they do not recognize truth when they see or hear it. Those that want to know “truth” must listen to the Words of Jesus.

Do you know, “What is truth?” If your children ask you, “What is truth?” would you be able to answer them? It is the parent’s responsibility to teach their children that “Jesus is truth.”

In a philosophy class you would be asked if you believe it can be shown that there are absolute values such as truth and untruth or right or wrong and moral or immoral. Most students would react by saying that everything is relative and no single law can be applied universally.

God has given everyone a conscience to tell right from wrong (Romans 2:14-15) and His moral standards are written in the Bible. Every time we use the words good or bad, we are implying a standard by which we ourselves make a judgment. Biblical values are true for any age, because they originate with an eternal and unchanging God who does not lie. Only God has the right to define what is wrong or immoral because as Jesus said, He is truth!


Our memory verse for this week is found in James 1:19.

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.


Help me to hide Thy Word in my heart that I might not sin against You and that I might always realize what truth is. Help me to teach my children to rely on You and Your Word for the real truths in life.

Meditation: June 21, 2011




Continued or extended thought; reflection; contemplation; to think deeply.


When He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there. Matthew 14:23.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. Psalm 23:2.


Most people in the midst of constant busyness feel that they need to escape from where they are to a quiet place just for a few minutes. Most of us have more on our “to do list” than we can possibly get done in a day, and it usually is the same day after day after day. We get to the point where we say, “I need a break.” We need to take a break so we can decompress and recoup. This is what the Psalmist is saying (above) to us. He sees the Good Shepherd bringing him to “still waters” --- waters to rest by. It gives us a picture of a quiet place, a retreat from the pressures of life and where you can rest in the presence of your Good Shepherd.

Even Jesus looked for a place (above verse from Matthew) to go and rest and pray. All believers need to take the time each day just to rest and meditate on what God wants to tell you.

The apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:16 to “redeem the time.” What he is saying is that we need to use our time right and make the most of the time we have. We need to take the time to meditate and read God’s Word. We need to take the time to pray to our heavenly Father. We need to take the time just to rest and meditate and let God talk to us. You will find that time spent in meditation with the Lord will bless your heart.

As your day winds to a close, if you have not taken time to meditate on God’s Word and allowed God to talk to you, then take time before you go to bed for quiet reflection. In the serenity of the evening, we can enter God’s presence and not only get a more accurate perspective on life but refresh and restore our weary souls.

When we take time to meditate and draw near to God our minds are refreshed and our strength is renewed.


Our memory verse for this week is found in James 1:19.

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.


Give me the time each day to stop and rest and meditate on what You have to say to me. Open my eyes to the wisdom of Your Word and make my heart receptive to Your leading. May my family learn to rest in You and then together may we reach out to tell the world around us the good news of the gospel.

Popularity: June 20, 2011




The quality of being regarded with approval or affection by people in general.


“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8: 36-37.


What was Jesus really saying to us through these words He said as recorded in Mark (above)? When He asked what it profits a man He was bringing to our minds the simple equation of profit and loss, which basically states that one’s soul is worth more than all the popularity, all of the riches, and all of the pleasures of this world. No matter how much you have of what the world offers if you do not have salvation in Jesus Christ you are eternally bankrupt.

And in the second verse above He asks what one would consider giving in exchange for his soul. The soul is eternal and therefore worth more than anything that this world has to offer.

Popularity is not a bad thing if it comes for the right reasons and from the right actions. It is when popularity becomes an obsession that it is dangerous because it often leads to compromising one’s character. The desire for popularity is one of Satan’s tools. Many have sold their souls to the devil to gain popularity.

Jesus gained His popularity on this earth because He was God. His loving compassion, Godly wisdom, consistent teaching and healing touch made Him someone special and the crowds came to listen to Him.

He was popular because His teachings, His healings and His miracles (such as feeding the 5000) changed people’s lives. He was consistent and had high standards and many were convinced to believe in Him as the Son of God.

When we were raising our children, and it is the same today with our grand children, popularity is important to young people. A young person wants to be liked and popular. But one finds out quickly that popularity comes and goes quickly. This is why parents need to help their children get their eyes off of the “things” of the world such as popularity and onto the “things” that count for eternity.

When Jesus hung on that cross dying His popularity was disappearing. Even His disciples began to doubt. There he was dying on the cross paying for our sins and the sins of all down through the centuries and there was doubt and sadness across the land. Jesus did not come to earth to be popular. He came to do the unpopular thing, to show us that we are sinners and to provide for us an escape from paying our penalty for our sins. Popularity is not what God wants us to strive for in life. We need to daily work on our relationship with Jesus and then allow Him to work through us.


Our memory verse for this week is found in James 1:19.

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.


May my popularity be in You and You only. May I strive today on making people see Christ through me and not me striving to be popular with them.

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