January 10, 2010
Loyalty: January 7, 2010
The state of being loyal, faithful, and constant in devotion.
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one or love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Matthew 6:24
The former President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt said in 1919: “There can be no divided allegiance here. We have room for one God --- one flag --- one language --- and for one sole loyalty --- and that is to the American people.
In life today we have many distractions that influence our lives. This is why it is so essential that we are loyal followers of God so He can show us an alternative to the distractions that come our way. We often comment that we see very little loyalty among people today. It seems that loyalty to a job is now very unique. Loyalty to churches is waning. Even loyalty to families and family values is less every year.
Dan Crawford was a person that loved to go into new areas of our world and explore. He tells of a native guide that was leading him along a long and new trail. Being uncertain of his direction, he asked the guide just where they were going. “You want to know the way? I am the way!” smiled the native guide, pointing to his head where the knowledge was stored.
Dan Crawford, being a Christian who believed in Jesus, later was able to share with his guide about the One who is the true and living way. What a wonderful example to remind us of the true and only way, being our Lord Jesus Christ. If we do not have loyalty to our Lord, how can we expect to find our way through this life?
We taught our children the importance to have and practice daily loyalty in all that they did. First we emphasized the importance to have loyalty to our Lord. We reminded our children that every day there were circumstances or situations that would arise that could tempt you to lose your loyalty to the Lord. In life today each one of us everyday have these moments when it would maybe be easier not to show your loyalty to your Lord. Never be tempted to lose that loyalty. God will honor you for your loyalty, even more so in difficult situations.
We also taught our children to be loyal to their parents, siblings, family and friends. So often we would hear stories of friendships lost because of a small disagreement. Your friendships need to be based on loyalty and not on situations that could go bad. When a crisis arises between loyal friends, the loyalty to one another will take you through that situation.
And finally as the scripture above says, we need to choose whom we will serve, God or mammon? If you choose our Lord, He wants your loyalty day after day and He will then lead you through every situation that you face.
Our memory verse for this week is:
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.” Romans 12:2
Help me this day to learn a new sense of loyalty for my family, friends and neighbors. Give us this day, dear Lord the courage to fully trust You who made us. Give me strength to walk down the path that You lead me down today. Lead me every moment in my journey through life.
The state of being loyal, faithful, and constant in devotion.
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one or love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Matthew 6:24
The former President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt said in 1919: “There can be no divided allegiance here. We have room for one God --- one flag --- one language --- and for one sole loyalty --- and that is to the American people.
In life today we have many distractions that influence our lives. This is why it is so essential that we are loyal followers of God so He can show us an alternative to the distractions that come our way. We often comment that we see very little loyalty among people today. It seems that loyalty to a job is now very unique. Loyalty to churches is waning. Even loyalty to families and family values is less every year.
Dan Crawford was a person that loved to go into new areas of our world and explore. He tells of a native guide that was leading him along a long and new trail. Being uncertain of his direction, he asked the guide just where they were going. “You want to know the way? I am the way!” smiled the native guide, pointing to his head where the knowledge was stored.
Dan Crawford, being a Christian who believed in Jesus, later was able to share with his guide about the One who is the true and living way. What a wonderful example to remind us of the true and only way, being our Lord Jesus Christ. If we do not have loyalty to our Lord, how can we expect to find our way through this life?
We taught our children the importance to have and practice daily loyalty in all that they did. First we emphasized the importance to have loyalty to our Lord. We reminded our children that every day there were circumstances or situations that would arise that could tempt you to lose your loyalty to the Lord. In life today each one of us everyday have these moments when it would maybe be easier not to show your loyalty to your Lord. Never be tempted to lose that loyalty. God will honor you for your loyalty, even more so in difficult situations.
We also taught our children to be loyal to their parents, siblings, family and friends. So often we would hear stories of friendships lost because of a small disagreement. Your friendships need to be based on loyalty and not on situations that could go bad. When a crisis arises between loyal friends, the loyalty to one another will take you through that situation.
And finally as the scripture above says, we need to choose whom we will serve, God or mammon? If you choose our Lord, He wants your loyalty day after day and He will then lead you through every situation that you face.
Our memory verse for this week is:
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.” Romans 12:2
Help me this day to learn a new sense of loyalty for my family, friends and neighbors. Give us this day, dear Lord the courage to fully trust You who made us. Give me strength to walk down the path that You lead me down today. Lead me every moment in my journey through life.
Freedom: January 8, 2010
The state of being free; personal liberty or national independence.
“It is to freedom that you have been called, my brothers. Only be careful that freedom does not become a mere opportunity for your lower nature (the flesh). You should be free to serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13. (Phillips translation)
Reading God’s Word, the Bible, each day is a privilege that many people around the world do not have. In the Second World War when the Americans arrived in the Philippines, many political prisoners were freed from prison. Among the “crimes” that these people had committed was that of reading the Bible. They had no freedom.
Soon after his release from prison a man came to a missionary in the Philippians and asked if it were true that he could now read his Bible? The missionary pointed to a nearby American flag and said: “So long as you see that flag flying overhead you can read your Bible on the roof of your house and no one will bother you.” That is a great definition of freedom for us.
In 1942 then President of the United States of America said:
“We look forward to a world founded on four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom for every person to worship God in his own way. The second is freedom of speech and expression. The third is freedom from want and finally the freedom from fear.”
The Bible has a lot to share with us about the freedom God has given us that love and serve Him. God first dealt in the Bible about freedom in Genesis (13:10-13). Abraham responded to the leading of God and gave Lot the freedom of choice as to the land that would be his. Lot chose the fertile land of the plains of Jordan and left the desert area of Canaan to Abraham. But as the scriptures tell us, the land that Lot chose caused nothing but problems for Lot while God blessed the land left to Abraham. The reason was very clear. Lot with his freedom chose not to honor and serve God with all his heart, mind and soul. Abraham with his freedom of choice chose to serve God.
We are told to proclaim freedom to the poor in Isaiah 61:1. This is why we often communicate to you in these devotionals the importance of helping the poor in their time of trouble. Also we have spent most of our lives dedicated to helping in mission outreaches that care for the poor. We will assure you that God will bless those that reach out to help the poor.
We are promised freedom from our sins in Romans 6:14. The greatest freedom is that given by God when He lifts our burden of sin. In John 8:32-36 we are told that if we continue in God’s Word --- read the Bible; if you are faithful --- to the Lord and if you live according to God’s teaching that He has given to us --- then --- “We shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free”(verse 36). Jesus is the truth and knowing Him as our Savior sets us free from the consequences of our sin. That is the freedom God has for us that believe in Him.
Finally in 1 Peter 2:16-17 we are admonished as believers to “Live as free men; not however as though your freedom were there to provide a screen for wrongdoing; but live as servants of God, honoring all men, love your brothers and fear God.”
Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 12:2:
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.”
Help me and my family to appreciate the freedoms that we have. Thank You for the continued freedom You give us today to read Your Word and to pray openly as a family.
The state of being free; personal liberty or national independence.
“It is to freedom that you have been called, my brothers. Only be careful that freedom does not become a mere opportunity for your lower nature (the flesh). You should be free to serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13. (Phillips translation)
Reading God’s Word, the Bible, each day is a privilege that many people around the world do not have. In the Second World War when the Americans arrived in the Philippines, many political prisoners were freed from prison. Among the “crimes” that these people had committed was that of reading the Bible. They had no freedom.
Soon after his release from prison a man came to a missionary in the Philippians and asked if it were true that he could now read his Bible? The missionary pointed to a nearby American flag and said: “So long as you see that flag flying overhead you can read your Bible on the roof of your house and no one will bother you.” That is a great definition of freedom for us.
In 1942 then President of the United States of America said:
“We look forward to a world founded on four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom for every person to worship God in his own way. The second is freedom of speech and expression. The third is freedom from want and finally the freedom from fear.”
The Bible has a lot to share with us about the freedom God has given us that love and serve Him. God first dealt in the Bible about freedom in Genesis (13:10-13). Abraham responded to the leading of God and gave Lot the freedom of choice as to the land that would be his. Lot chose the fertile land of the plains of Jordan and left the desert area of Canaan to Abraham. But as the scriptures tell us, the land that Lot chose caused nothing but problems for Lot while God blessed the land left to Abraham. The reason was very clear. Lot with his freedom chose not to honor and serve God with all his heart, mind and soul. Abraham with his freedom of choice chose to serve God.
We are told to proclaim freedom to the poor in Isaiah 61:1. This is why we often communicate to you in these devotionals the importance of helping the poor in their time of trouble. Also we have spent most of our lives dedicated to helping in mission outreaches that care for the poor. We will assure you that God will bless those that reach out to help the poor.
We are promised freedom from our sins in Romans 6:14. The greatest freedom is that given by God when He lifts our burden of sin. In John 8:32-36 we are told that if we continue in God’s Word --- read the Bible; if you are faithful --- to the Lord and if you live according to God’s teaching that He has given to us --- then --- “We shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free”(verse 36). Jesus is the truth and knowing Him as our Savior sets us free from the consequences of our sin. That is the freedom God has for us that believe in Him.
Finally in 1 Peter 2:16-17 we are admonished as believers to “Live as free men; not however as though your freedom were there to provide a screen for wrongdoing; but live as servants of God, honoring all men, love your brothers and fear God.”
Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 12:2:
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.”
Help me and my family to appreciate the freedoms that we have. Thank You for the continued freedom You give us today to read Your Word and to pray openly as a family.
Sharing: January 6, 2010
Having something jointly, a portion or an allotted part, giving a portion to others.
“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Hebrews 13:16.
We began when our children were very young to teach them to share. We taught them to share their toys, not only with their siblings but with friends who would visit them. We taught them to share their time when someone needed help. We taught them to share their resources (ten percent), which we referred to as tithe with our church. Sharing is tough to learn for children but when you start when they are young and then are consistent and lead by example they will learn. Usually, at the beginning, their response would be something like “that is mine and I want it.”
In the first chapter of John we read about Andrew who was one of the two first disciples picked by Jesus. Andrew was a humble person, devoted and Christ like. His name means “manliness.” After Jesus chose Andrew to be His disciple and he spent time learning from the Messiah he became a rugged evangelist and he was known for his consistency in sharing Christ personally with all that he came into contact daily. When he first met Jesus he shared with his brother Peter the good news that he had met the Messiah.
When we taught our kids to share, we constantly reminded them that sharing was a two way street. It was important for them to understand that if one shared an item with another sibling then the other needed to be willing to share an item with the child that shared with them. When children learn this it becomes a life principle when they become adults.
Part of sharing is also developing a compassion for others to the extent of being willing to share with them some of your possessions or time.
In Isaiah 58:7, we are given a wonderful example of this:
“Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked, that you cover him”
Sharing should begin with all of us by sharing our faith with our family, friends and neighbors. Secondly we must be consistent and willing to share with others our time talents and treasures. And finally we must share with the poor what God has blessed us with. Andrew shared his love for Jesus to everyone he came in contact with as an example to us as to how we are to share by our words and deeds what God has given us.
Our memory verse for this week is:
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.” Romans 12:2
As we begin this New Year we want to praise You for Your sharing of Your Son by sending Him to this world to pay the penalty for my sins. Give me now the discipline and boldness to share my love for You with those I meet today. May the joy of the Lord shine brightly in all that I do and say.
Having something jointly, a portion or an allotted part, giving a portion to others.
“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Hebrews 13:16.
We began when our children were very young to teach them to share. We taught them to share their toys, not only with their siblings but with friends who would visit them. We taught them to share their time when someone needed help. We taught them to share their resources (ten percent), which we referred to as tithe with our church. Sharing is tough to learn for children but when you start when they are young and then are consistent and lead by example they will learn. Usually, at the beginning, their response would be something like “that is mine and I want it.”
In the first chapter of John we read about Andrew who was one of the two first disciples picked by Jesus. Andrew was a humble person, devoted and Christ like. His name means “manliness.” After Jesus chose Andrew to be His disciple and he spent time learning from the Messiah he became a rugged evangelist and he was known for his consistency in sharing Christ personally with all that he came into contact daily. When he first met Jesus he shared with his brother Peter the good news that he had met the Messiah.
When we taught our kids to share, we constantly reminded them that sharing was a two way street. It was important for them to understand that if one shared an item with another sibling then the other needed to be willing to share an item with the child that shared with them. When children learn this it becomes a life principle when they become adults.
Part of sharing is also developing a compassion for others to the extent of being willing to share with them some of your possessions or time.
In Isaiah 58:7, we are given a wonderful example of this:
“Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked, that you cover him”
Sharing should begin with all of us by sharing our faith with our family, friends and neighbors. Secondly we must be consistent and willing to share with others our time talents and treasures. And finally we must share with the poor what God has blessed us with. Andrew shared his love for Jesus to everyone he came in contact with as an example to us as to how we are to share by our words and deeds what God has given us.
Our memory verse for this week is:
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.” Romans 12:2
As we begin this New Year we want to praise You for Your sharing of Your Son by sending Him to this world to pay the penalty for my sins. Give me now the discipline and boldness to share my love for You with those I meet today. May the joy of the Lord shine brightly in all that I do and say.
Anticipation: January 5, 2010
January 5: Today’s word for Tuesday January 5
To expect or look forward to; to realize or fell beforehand.
Joshua told the people: “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:4
When our children were young, we spent our vacation time each summer at the beach on the Pacific Ocean. Each of the children when experiencing the ocean surf for the first time were fearful of the breaking waves. They would stand at the water’s edge and watch the waves come in and go out. AS they watched they noticed that when the water receded sand was exposed. After a short time they would get a little daring and run out as the tide went out, chasing the water back to the ocean. They carefully would watch the waves in anticipation so they would have time to run ahead of the incoming wave back to the safety of the beach.
Israel stood on the edge of the Jordan River in anticipation of entering the Promised Land. For forty years God caused the Israelites to wander in the desert as punishment for their sins. Finally, a new generation was ready to enter the Promised Land; however, there was one major obstacle. Between the Israelites and the Promised Land was the Jordan River which was overflowing its banks due to the spring rains. Just think of the anticipation that went through each person’s mind.
God always has a plan for carrying out His promises. God instructed Joshua what to do to solve their problem. The Priests that were carrying the Ark of the Covenant were to stand in the water at the edge of the Jordan River. As soon as the Priests feet touched the water, the waters parted. Then the Priests, carrying the Ark of the Covenant, stood on dry land in the middle of the river until the entire nation of Israel had crossed over into the Promised Land. Have you ever wondered about the anticipation that the Priests had waiting to see what God was going to do?
The anticipation of doing something new is often accompanied by an element of fear. The Priests must have been a bit fearful to step into the raging river; nevertheless they stepped out in faith in obedience to God’s command.
We all run into obstacles in our life that stand between us and what God wants us to do. In order for God to help us get around the obstacles we must trust Him and do what is right and not be afraid to step out in faith. If fear had kept the Priests from stepping into the river Jordan, they would have allowed the river to be an obstacle that would have kept them from what they had so long anticipated --- entering the Promised Land.
This week’s memory verse is found in Romans 12:2.
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.”
Lord, help me to anticipate receiving God’s blessings in my life. Help me to overcome the obstacles in my life that stand between me and You. Help our family to renew our relationship with You and each other.
To expect or look forward to; to realize or fell beforehand.
Joshua told the people: “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:4
When our children were young, we spent our vacation time each summer at the beach on the Pacific Ocean. Each of the children when experiencing the ocean surf for the first time were fearful of the breaking waves. They would stand at the water’s edge and watch the waves come in and go out. AS they watched they noticed that when the water receded sand was exposed. After a short time they would get a little daring and run out as the tide went out, chasing the water back to the ocean. They carefully would watch the waves in anticipation so they would have time to run ahead of the incoming wave back to the safety of the beach.
Israel stood on the edge of the Jordan River in anticipation of entering the Promised Land. For forty years God caused the Israelites to wander in the desert as punishment for their sins. Finally, a new generation was ready to enter the Promised Land; however, there was one major obstacle. Between the Israelites and the Promised Land was the Jordan River which was overflowing its banks due to the spring rains. Just think of the anticipation that went through each person’s mind.
God always has a plan for carrying out His promises. God instructed Joshua what to do to solve their problem. The Priests that were carrying the Ark of the Covenant were to stand in the water at the edge of the Jordan River. As soon as the Priests feet touched the water, the waters parted. Then the Priests, carrying the Ark of the Covenant, stood on dry land in the middle of the river until the entire nation of Israel had crossed over into the Promised Land. Have you ever wondered about the anticipation that the Priests had waiting to see what God was going to do?
The anticipation of doing something new is often accompanied by an element of fear. The Priests must have been a bit fearful to step into the raging river; nevertheless they stepped out in faith in obedience to God’s command.
We all run into obstacles in our life that stand between us and what God wants us to do. In order for God to help us get around the obstacles we must trust Him and do what is right and not be afraid to step out in faith. If fear had kept the Priests from stepping into the river Jordan, they would have allowed the river to be an obstacle that would have kept them from what they had so long anticipated --- entering the Promised Land.
This week’s memory verse is found in Romans 12:2.
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.”
Lord, help me to anticipate receiving God’s blessings in my life. Help me to overcome the obstacles in my life that stand between me and You. Help our family to renew our relationship with You and each other.
Past/Future: January 4, 2010
Past: Indicating a time gone by, a person’s past history.
Future: Relating to a later time to come or happen.
“Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3: 13-14.
This has been a tough year for many people not only here in America but around the world. Everyone has been affected by a slowing economy that has meant job layoffs, losses of homes and income reduction. Others have been affected by wars, natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
Many people in our world have been affected by inflation with their local currency and the result has been a dramatic increase in what we may call the poor. And unfortunately these trends will most likely continue and get worse.
Our challenge to you now as we begin a new year is that you DO NOT DWELL IN THE PAST! You cannot move into the future until you are done with the past. We can hear someone say that we just do not understand the plight that they face daily. All of us need to take the time now and read again what the Apostle Paul tells us in the verse written above.
We are to forget those things of the past. Whatever your concerns have been, today is the day they should be forgotten. God has answers for your concerns of the past but you must forget them now and move on.
Secondly, Paul tells us to reach forward to those things that are ahead of us. Again someone is saying to us, what do I have to look forward to? You need to change your life style. Begin each day by reading God’s Word and you will find as you read, the answers will come to you for every concern you have in life. Reading the Bible is God’s way to talk to you. Then take time alone to pray every day. Ask God for the answers to your specific needs. This is your way to communicate with Him.
And finally Paul reminds us in these verses that we are to press toward that goal that God has for us --- the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. This is our assurance of eternal life with Him. What greater hope for the future is there for anyone?
You will notice beginning today a slightly new format for these devotionals. We trust that they now will be easier to read and clearer for you to understand. Each day we will give you a DEFINITION of our word for the day. We will give you one SCRIPTURE verse that will be the basis for the word we use and our devotional thoughts.
Under KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE each day will be what we used to call Words from Ken and Dottie. LEARNING will be our weekly verse to memorize and PRAYER will be our prayer for the day.
Our memory verse this week is found in Romans 12:2:
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.”
Give me the courage today to be the leader my family needs to forget the past and the problems and concerns that we have been facing. Help each of us in our family, beginning today, to put You first in all that we do. Help us to realize the importance of having a daily communication time with you. Help each of us to be disciplined in providing time daily for reading the Bible and Prayer.
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Past: Indicating a time gone by, a person’s past history.
Future: Relating to a later time to come or happen.
“Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3: 13-14.
This has been a tough year for many people not only here in America but around the world. Everyone has been affected by a slowing economy that has meant job layoffs, losses of homes and income reduction. Others have been affected by wars, natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
Many people in our world have been affected by inflation with their local currency and the result has been a dramatic increase in what we may call the poor. And unfortunately these trends will most likely continue and get worse.
Our challenge to you now as we begin a new year is that you DO NOT DWELL IN THE PAST! You cannot move into the future until you are done with the past. We can hear someone say that we just do not understand the plight that they face daily. All of us need to take the time now and read again what the Apostle Paul tells us in the verse written above.
We are to forget those things of the past. Whatever your concerns have been, today is the day they should be forgotten. God has answers for your concerns of the past but you must forget them now and move on.
Secondly, Paul tells us to reach forward to those things that are ahead of us. Again someone is saying to us, what do I have to look forward to? You need to change your life style. Begin each day by reading God’s Word and you will find as you read, the answers will come to you for every concern you have in life. Reading the Bible is God’s way to talk to you. Then take time alone to pray every day. Ask God for the answers to your specific needs. This is your way to communicate with Him.
And finally Paul reminds us in these verses that we are to press toward that goal that God has for us --- the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. This is our assurance of eternal life with Him. What greater hope for the future is there for anyone?
You will notice beginning today a slightly new format for these devotionals. We trust that they now will be easier to read and clearer for you to understand. Each day we will give you a DEFINITION of our word for the day. We will give you one SCRIPTURE verse that will be the basis for the word we use and our devotional thoughts.
Under KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE each day will be what we used to call Words from Ken and Dottie. LEARNING will be our weekly verse to memorize and PRAYER will be our prayer for the day.
Our memory verse this week is found in Romans 12:2:
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.”
Give me the courage today to be the leader my family needs to forget the past and the problems and concerns that we have been facing. Help each of us in our family, beginning today, to put You first in all that we do. Help us to realize the importance of having a daily communication time with you. Help each of us to be disciplined in providing time daily for reading the Bible and Prayer.
If you have not received your FREE BOOKMARK from us, please click on either:
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And we will send one to you. It includes 10 golden rules for a happy family.
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