November 13, 2015

Glory: November 13, 2015




Exalted honor, splendor; radiance; majestic beauty; adoring praise; worshipful thanksgiving.

In those days there was no king in Israel, everyone did what was right in his own eyes: Judges 17:6.


We have many references in the Bible about the Glory of God. In John 1:14 it reads that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten Son of God. This verse reminds us of the account when God sent His Son to this earth. Jesus is the Word and he became flesh to live among us and all that lived at that time and believed in Him beheld His glory.

And then in Matthew 24:30 we read about the day that Jesus will return to this earth and it reads that we will see Him, the Son of man, coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

The best definition we have concerning this glory is exalted honor, majestic beauty, splendor and radiance. These words do not really even touch the surface as to the glory of God.

Many years ago God put His hand on Israel and gave Israel His blessing. All they had to do was to keep their eyes on God and live for Him and serve Him with all of their hearts. They failed many times but God still loved them.

In Judges 2:10 we read that a new generation arose which forgot their relationship with God. In Judges 9, Abimelech, an ungodly man, seized power in Israel through violence and deceit and led the nation straight into judgement. This came right after God honored Israel and its general, Gideon, by giving them a great victory over the enemy Midianites. The Bible tells us that as soon as Gideon died, the Israelites forgot God and all His glory. They not only did not give God the glory for the victory He gave them but they chased after other gods.

God made it clear to the Israelites that if God’s glory was going to shine on them again they must first become an obedient and thankful people.

As you read these accounts from the scriptures, stop and look at what is happening today in America and across this world we live in. For God’s glory to return to our countries we must have a mass return of our people to God. God works through His people. Who does He have to work through today? Where are all the committed believers? Most are sitting on their couches with little concern that our world has fallen away from God. Where do you stand?


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 22:9.

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.

Help my family to remember that all that is necessary for evil to triumph in our world is for believers like us to do nothing. Give us a new determination to serve You and to reach out to the world around us to share the good news of the gospel. May the glory of our Lord shine brightly through us today.

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November 12, 2015

Disappointment: November 12, 2015




The feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectation or the hopes to materialize.

Fathers, do not provoke your children lest they become discouraged. Colossians 3:21.

For consider Him who endures such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. Hebrews 12:3.


Disappointments are inevitable but discouragement is a choice. Everyone knows the feeling one gets when life moves in an unanticipated or undesired direction. Disappointment comes as a result of negative change in circumstances, a sudden reversal of plans, or the failure of something or someone we were counting on.

Regardless of what causes your disappointment, the dream you once cherished seems to be in ruins. You may not know how to respond because you will find it is difficult to sort through your emotions.

Take a look at the account we have in the Bible about Joseph who was engaged to the godly young woman named Mary. He was looking forward to the day when they would get married and would start a family. Then the news came. Imagine the emotions of Joseph’s heart when he heard that Mary was pregnant. What a devastating blow to his hopes and dreams. He knew that under Jewish law both Mary and he would be stoned to death (Deuteronomy 22:23-24). The disappointment that Joseph felt must have been overwhelming.

We read in Matthew 1:19 that Joseph started to think of a way to overcome this great disappointment but Joseph’s way was not God’s way. Joseph had a choice. He could say, “Why me God?” or he could have asked God, “What do You want me to do now?”

God had very special plans and the Lord sent an angel to Mary and another angel to Joseph to confirm His plan to them. Joseph did not then let his initial disappointment give way to discouragement. Rather, he accepted God’s will, obeyed the Lord, and brought Mary to his house, as a virgin until the birth of Jesus.

The Lord has a unique plan for our lives today just as He had for Joseph and Mary. When you confront an unexpected situation that does not line up with your expectations and what you hoped for, you must stop and look to Him for direction.

Sometimes God will let disappointments to occur in our lives so that we can learn to rely on Him more fully, to walk by faith and not by sight. But never forget what we said above to begin this devotional. While disappointments are inevitable, discouragement is a choice. Never allow the challenges in life that may come your way steal your enthusiasm or confidence in Him.

Circumstances should never control you. You never have to be the victim of your feelings. You can choose to look to God, listen, learn, and let Him lead you according to His plan.

God does have blessings for you. You need to let go of the disappointments in your life and the fear of hoping and trusting again. God holds your future in His hands and His plans are for your good not harm.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 22:9.

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.

Help me to release from my life discouragements and to learn to put every discouraging situation I face in your hands. Thank You for Your Word that assures me that when things do not go as I hoped You are in control and if I trust You, You will show me a better plan.

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November 11, 2015

Giving: November 11, 2015




Make a present of; donate; convey; bestow.

Jesus said, “The poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury.” Mark 12:43.

When you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Matthew 6:3.


The above two verses give us two principles that apply to our spirit of giving back to the Lord a portion of what He has given us. The first principle is that it is not the size of the gift that matters. The second principle is that we need to give without fanfare. In other words we do not need to announce that we give anything to anyone.

The first principle is given to us when Jesus told about the poor woman who brought two small coins to the temple to give to God. Jesus told His disciples that the widow had put in more than all the others because she gave sacrificially all that she owned and the rest gave from their surplus.

What God is teaching us in the second principle is that when we give we are giving unto the Lord and not to gain favor from others or make ourselves look good. Even if we have a small amount to give and we give it unto the Lord He will not only bless the gift but also the giver.

Both of us were taught about giving when we were very young. We learned to give from our small allowance. In both of our cases our parents taught us that one tenth of what we received was not ours. It belonged to God. If we were given one dollar as an allowance we needed to put ten cents away to be taken to church as our tithe to God from what we earned. We taught this to our children and our children have been teaching their children the same.

We made our commitment to give at least ten percent of what we earned back to the Lord, and always the first tenth. If it was not the first tenth, we would no doubt not kept our commitment because we would have spent all our money on things for ourselves.

God also called us before we were married to give our time to Him. We have done this all of our married life by working hard to help hurting and hungry children both physically and spiritually and God has blessed us abundantly.

Now in our advanced years we continue to give of our time to Him. We take no income from THE HUNGER SOLUTION. We write these devotionals new every day and send them daily to over 29,000 email addresses. We also sponsor food boxes to the hungry, Bibles to new converts and numerous other ministries as God brings opportunity. Just look at our web site to see what God is doing with no one being paid, all volunteers, doing what we believe honors our Lord. To God be the glory!

You may ask “Where do you get the funds to do what you are doing?” It is from wonderful friends like you who honor the Lord by giving a portion of what they have to show God’s love to others. Again go to our web site and you can click on “DONATE” or see our mailing address.

Out of our love for God we need to obey Him by doing what He tells us to do. We can assure you that God will bless you just as He has blessed us.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 22:9.

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.

Help every person that receives this devotional today to be encouraged to follow Your commandment by giving back to You a tithe of what they earn. Give each person direction as to where to give that best honors Your name. Help us all to be good stewards of the many blessings you have given us.

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November 10, 2015

Wait: November 10, 2015




To stop briefly; pause; be in expectation; patiently anticipate.

Since ancient times no one has heard, no eye has seen any God besides You, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. Isaiah 64:4.

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. Lamentations 3:25.


In this hurry up world that we live in, no one likes to wait. For some waiting on anything can cause one to lose their temper and good sense. No one enjoys waiting in line, waiting at stop lights, and for some people even waiting for dinner. We want what we want right now.

The Word of God suggests to us that we can learn some of life’s greatest lessons while we wait. God acts on behalf of those that wait on Him. God promises rewards to those who wait for Him. He will use the long pauses in our lives for a special blessing from Him if we let Him do His perfect work within us.

You may ask, “What do you mean we could receive rewards if we learn to wait on Him?” Here are several:

When we wait on Him we can discover God’s will for our life. Note the verse from Lamentations above. We need to be reminded that when we are waiting on the Lord, He is working all things out for us (Romans 8:28). We must keep our eyes on Him, listen for His voice. And then we will be able to do His will and our relationship with Him will grow.

In Isaiah 40:29-31 we are reminded that when we wait on God for answers we will receive supernatural energy and strength. He will give us new strength, we will run and not get tired and will walk and not become weary. What an awesome promise. Waiting on God is never wasted time.

In Proverbs 20:22 we are told to wait for the Lord, and He will save you. Yes, when we wait we will win battles that otherwise we could have lost. It is an awesome feeling when the Lord rescues us from a situation and blesses us with His favor. When we wait on God and obey His commandments, He assures our victory and keeps us from foolish acts.

Think of waiting on God as something like planting a small garden in your back yard. You put the seed under the soil and water it. And then every day you water it and wait, you water it and wait, over and over again. The sun and water will cause the seed to soon grow but you are still waiting. And then one day you begin to see evidence of what you planted and can see your waiting was not in vain.

Now assume that you were not willing to wait and you impatiently walked away from where you planted the seed. You would never receive the blessing of what you had once planted. Trust God, wait patiently and faithfully on Him and He will produce for you the most wonderful fruit you could ever hope for or even imagined.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 22:9.

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.

Give me the patience to learn to wait on You for every situation I face today. Thank You that I can put in Your hands my concerns and situations knowing that You will respond for me to do what is not only the best for me but to honor You as well.

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November 9, 2015

Gentle: November 9, 2015




Mild in manner or disposition; tender; peaceful; tame; kind; submissive.

See, your king comes to you gentle and riding on a donkey. Matthew 21:5

Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29.

To speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men. Titus 3:2.

Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very special in the sight of the Lord. I Peter 3:4.

In the book of Matthew Jesus says of Himself that He is gentle, humble and peaceful. In John 10:11 Jesus also says of Himself, “I am the good shepherd.” A shepherd gently leads his sheep and carries the lambs that need help. He never forcefully drives his sheep. One of our favorite hymns is “Gentle Shepherd” written by Bill and Gloria Gaither. “Gentle Savior, come and lead us, for we need You to help us find our way. Gentle Savior, come and feed us, for we need Your strength from day to day.”

Gentleness is not weakness as many people think. Jesus is gentle but far from weak. Jesus was pictured as both a Lamb and a Lion. Jesus, the Lamb of God, was the symbol of gentleness and submissiveness and Jesus, the Lion, was the symbol of authority and power.

The scripture gives us many examples on how Jesus was gentle in His relationship with people. During His ministry on earth parents sought to bring their children to Jesus for His blessing. The disciples tried to stop the parents thinking that children were too insignificant to take up the time of Jesus and interrupt His ministry. Jesus rebuked His disciples and gently and tenderly called the children to come to Him saying to His disciples, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Luke 18:15-16). We are weak but Jesus our gentle Shepherd is our strength from day to day.

I Peter 2:21 tells us to follow in the steps of Jesus and live by the examples He sets for us. In Philippians 4:5 we are reminded to, “Let your gentleness be evident to all.” We are to be gentle to our children, our spouses, to our family and to our friends. To follow the example of our gentle Shepherd requires us to show consideration for others at all times.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 22:9.

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.

Thank You for being my gentle Savior and shepherd who leads me and cares for me daily. Help me to be gentle and humble to my spouse, my children, my family and friends. May my love for You abound in a gentle and quiet spirit which is special in the sight of the Lord.

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