November 12, 2015

Disappointment: November 12, 2015




The feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectation or the hopes to materialize.

Fathers, do not provoke your children lest they become discouraged. Colossians 3:21.

For consider Him who endures such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. Hebrews 12:3.


Disappointments are inevitable but discouragement is a choice. Everyone knows the feeling one gets when life moves in an unanticipated or undesired direction. Disappointment comes as a result of negative change in circumstances, a sudden reversal of plans, or the failure of something or someone we were counting on.

Regardless of what causes your disappointment, the dream you once cherished seems to be in ruins. You may not know how to respond because you will find it is difficult to sort through your emotions.

Take a look at the account we have in the Bible about Joseph who was engaged to the godly young woman named Mary. He was looking forward to the day when they would get married and would start a family. Then the news came. Imagine the emotions of Joseph’s heart when he heard that Mary was pregnant. What a devastating blow to his hopes and dreams. He knew that under Jewish law both Mary and he would be stoned to death (Deuteronomy 22:23-24). The disappointment that Joseph felt must have been overwhelming.

We read in Matthew 1:19 that Joseph started to think of a way to overcome this great disappointment but Joseph’s way was not God’s way. Joseph had a choice. He could say, “Why me God?” or he could have asked God, “What do You want me to do now?”

God had very special plans and the Lord sent an angel to Mary and another angel to Joseph to confirm His plan to them. Joseph did not then let his initial disappointment give way to discouragement. Rather, he accepted God’s will, obeyed the Lord, and brought Mary to his house, as a virgin until the birth of Jesus.

The Lord has a unique plan for our lives today just as He had for Joseph and Mary. When you confront an unexpected situation that does not line up with your expectations and what you hoped for, you must stop and look to Him for direction.

Sometimes God will let disappointments to occur in our lives so that we can learn to rely on Him more fully, to walk by faith and not by sight. But never forget what we said above to begin this devotional. While disappointments are inevitable, discouragement is a choice. Never allow the challenges in life that may come your way steal your enthusiasm or confidence in Him.

Circumstances should never control you. You never have to be the victim of your feelings. You can choose to look to God, listen, learn, and let Him lead you according to His plan.

God does have blessings for you. You need to let go of the disappointments in your life and the fear of hoping and trusting again. God holds your future in His hands and His plans are for your good not harm.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 22:9.

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.

Help me to release from my life discouragements and to learn to put every discouraging situation I face in your hands. Thank You for Your Word that assures me that when things do not go as I hoped You are in control and if I trust You, You will show me a better plan.

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