March 25, 2016

Risen: March 25, 2016



Resurrected from the dead.

But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. I Corinthians 15:20.


This next Sunday we will be celebrating Easter. It is a known fact that Jesus rose from the grave on the third day, Easter Sunday. And because of this we know that Jesus is alive today, He has resurrected from the dead, He is interceding with God on our behalf and because of His resurrection we can have confidence in knowing that our sins are forgiven. Through His death on the cross, the debt for our sins has been paid in full. Because of the shedding of His blood on the cross we are forgiven.

We are sure you noticed that we said the resurrection of Jesus is a fact. But, unfortunately, many people in the world we live in today do not believe that it is a fact. We can say it is a fact because first of all we believe that the Bible is the Word of God and God does not lie. No one has ever been able to prove that any portion of the Bible is fiction.

There were eye witnesses to the death and resurrection as recorded in the Bible. Also many scientists and the most learned people in the world have done all they can to discredit this fact and have failed. Just because someone says that they do not believe it happened does not mean they are right. There is more reason to believe than to not believe.

Because Jesus died and was resurrected we have confidence that our sins have been forgiven and that the Lord is actively involved in our lives if we have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior. There are so many promises in the Bible (some 3,000) that gives us confidence that Jesus is involved in our lives. He promised that if we abide in Him and do His will we will bear much fruit. Jesus gives us confidence in the power of prayer because He has risen. And finally, because He has risen we have the confidence that Jesus is preparing a place in heaven for us to spend eternity with Him.

Be assured today that you serve a risen Savior and put your trust in Him today.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 5:6.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Thank You for dying on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. Thank You that You now are my risen Savior and alive and interceding for me before my Heavenly Father. Help me to live for You with my full and steadfast allegiance and show it in my walk and talk each day.
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March 24, 2016

Death: March 24, 2016



The end of life on this earth; the act of dying; to kill; execute.

So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “IT IS FINISHED.” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. John 19:30.


Tomorrow is known as Good Friday. It is the day we celebrate the death of Jesus. God sent His Son, Jesus, to this world to die on the cross caring all the sins of mankind to pay our debt for our sins.

Jesus was unique in His death. He underwent the greatest of public indignations as well as physical agonies. His faultless behavior at His death was testified through the ages that He was “truly a righteous man.” Nowhere in history or literature is there a nobler account than that of Jesus facing the cross and then dying on it.

As the Messiah Jesus died for His peoples sins fulfilling the detailed prophecy of David written about 1,000 years prior (Psalm 22). He also fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah (Isaiah 52:13-53:12).

Jesus prophesied His own death and that it would be for the sins of many (Mark 10:45 and Matthew 16:21). Jesus also died voluntarily, obeying the Father’s will (John 10:17-18).

Jesus death did fulfill prophecy. His death did fulfill His Father’s will. Most important is what Jesus’s death did for us. His death and resurrection saves us from eternal death and resurrects us to eternal life if we confess our sins and ask Him into our heart.

At this Easter season let us not forget what Jesus did for us.

Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 5:6.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

At this Easter season it is my prayer, dear Lord, that my family will totally understand what you did for us by dying on the cross and then for Your resurrection. May others see Christ in us as we profess our salvation because of what You did for us.
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March 23, 2016

Signs: March 23, 2016



Something material or external that stands or signifies something spiritual; divinely ordained event pointing to something larger or more important; a miracle.

And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 20: 30-31.


Many people today have been asking if there are signs in the scripture that would help them know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is God.

In the book of John, the author John records for us seven signs that prove the deity of Jesus. The word, “SIGNS” in the book of John is the key that John uses to unlock the door to our understanding of the miracles, powers, wonders and words of Jesus. John’s purpose in writing these was twofold. First, that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God. Secondly, that by believing we may have life in His name. Here are the seven signs:
  • In John 2:1-11 we are told that Jesus turned water into wine to prove His power to create.
  •  In John 4:46-54 we read that Jesus healed a nobleman’s son to prove that He can prolong life.
  • In John 5:1-18 it is recorded that Jesus healed a sick man at the pool of Bethesda to prove His power to give life.
  • In John 6:1-14 we read about Jesus feeding five thousand with a lad’s lunch to prove His power to supply the necessities of life.
  • In John 6:15-21 it is recorded that Jesus walked on the water to prove His power to protect life.
  • In John 9:1-4 Jesus gave sight to a blind beggar to prove His power to illuminate life.
  • In John 11: 38-44 we read about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead to prove His power to recreate life.
Every miracle Jesus did was confirmation of His deity and His divinity. In John 20:28 we read probably the most heartfelt confession of faith in the divinity of Jesus ever uttered or written. When Thomas saw Jesus after His death and resurrection and touched Jesus’ nail pierced hands and wounded side Thomas said: “MY LORD AND MY GOD.” This was a declaration by Thomas of the divinity and deity of Jesus. Yes, Thomas recognized that Jesus was who He said He was, the Son of God.

Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 5:6.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Thank You for the many assurances (signs) You have given us in Your Word that You alone are the one true God. Thank You that I can be assured that You are my God and that You are with me in all I do and that my faith in You is real.
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March 22, 2016

Show Up: March 22, 2016



Allow to be seen; exhibit; appear; perform.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16.


Several years ago we visited a city in America, which we will leave nameless, that was known in past years as one of the most hostile cities in America toward the preaching of the gospel. Talking about Jesus was taboo and witchcraft was promoted as the only acceptable religion in that city. There were posters posted in the windows of stores and coffee shops advertising witchcraft meetings where you could go to and learn to cast a spell on your enemies.

We were told that there were people that lived in the city and in surrounding communities that were committed to serving the Lord in that environment. Several churches over the years were established but they could not get building permits so they met in private homes and other private locations. Several built their churches in a surrounding community. For these dear people this was surely a mission field. They learned so vividly that where Satan abounds and is in control evil abounds.

But we learned that finally a group of pastors from surrounding communities and several church members decided to meet together each morning to pray for the city and the people that lived there. Soon, as a group, they felt God was leading them to take action and reach out to help the residents and leadership. They started humanitarian ministries to help the needy. They had a location where the poor could come for food, medical help, clothes, blankets and many other items. Simply said they decided to SHOW UP BEFORE THEY SPOKE UP!

Soon they began to see that their actions and their prayers were bringing positive results for the churches and for the Lord because their positive actions touched enough lives in their community to begin change. Through prayer and then actions this group of believers began to make a spiritual impact on that community by showing up to help the needy.

You may ask how this story applies to our lives today. No one really wants to hear what we say about the love of Jesus until they have seen Him in our lives. That is what Jesus is telling us in the verse we have put above from Matthew. When your let your light shine so others can see Jesus through your words and deeds then they will listen as you tell them about Jesus. Your consistent and positive God honoring words and deeds will allow you to SHOW UP with authority that only God can give you.

Jesus told us in Matthew 5:14: “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” We need to let our light shine, as believers in Jesus, so others can see Christ through us and in us. Matthew compares a godly life to a city set on a hill. The lights of a city on a hill can be seen for miles in the darkness of the night. Are you a shining light for Christ or have you been unplugged from your power source?


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 5:6.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Help me to understand the concept that I am to be the light of my world to glorify Your name. May I be like that city on a hill whose light cannot be hidden because my light shines brightly.

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March 21, 2016

Serve: March 21, 2016



Attend or wait upon; work for; to meet the needs of and subject one’s will to that of another.

You have done all this wickedness; yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. I Samuel 12:20.


Has it ever been your experience to feel inspired by a message you hear or by a passage of scripture you read to earnestly and eagerly want to serve God with more enthusiasm and then in a short time later your intentions are forgotten and you are back doing things your way and doing nothing to serve the Lord.

The scriptures give us many examples of the Israelites turning away from serving God on their journey to the Promised Land. They rebelled against God in order to do things their way. After the death of Joshua, they were without a leader and they lost their spiritual direction under the judges did what they wanted. They turned from obedience and serving God to disobedience and serving idols.

During these years they went through cycles of serving God and rebelling against God. The result was that when they turned from serving the Lord, God allowed them to be overrun by enemy nations. When they were in danger of total destruction they would turn in desperation back to God and then God would provide for them a God-fearing judge to deliver them.

Then the Israelites rebelled against the rule of judges and asked God for a king. Despite the many warnings from Samuel of the hardships they would have to endure under a king they continued to insist they wanted a king to rule over them like other nations around them. They forgot that the Lord their God was their King (I Samuel 12:9).

God allowed them to have their way and to choose another king even though they were rejecting God. It is hard to believe they would want a mere human to lead them instead of almighty God. Throughout history this has been the case. People have rejected God as their Lord and their King and they continue to reject Him even today.

Soon the people realized what a mistake they had made and asked Samuel for help and to pray asking God to save them. Samuel saw that they were afraid so he kept saying to them, “Do not fear” and then called on them to turn from their wicked ways and serve the Lord.

We can look at this illustration of the Children of Israel and learn that even when we do the wrong things, God does not give up on us. He wants us to repent of our disobedience and return to serving Him. When we fail to serve God we know that we cannot turn back the clock and redo what we have done wrong. We need to learn to humbly ask God for His forgiveness for our disobedience and acknowledge His faithfulness.

Serving the Lord has a direct tie to obedience. The Israelites had to become obedient to God’s will before they could serve Him. We look forward as believers to the soon return of Christ which is by far the most important reason we need to serve the Lord daily. The anticipation of this great event should overwhelm our hearts with excitement and give us a new desire and a sense of urgency to serve our Lord. Do you choose to serve Him or reject Him?


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 5:6.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Thank You for the joy of the great anticipation we have as we look forward to with the soon return of Christ. Help me to never neglect to remember the importance of serving You as we anticipate this great event.

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