March 7, 2011

Criticism: March 4, 2011




An act of passing judgment as to the merits of anything; censure; an unfavorable comment; to find fault with.


“For the Lord will judge His people and have compassion on His servants.” Deuteronomy 32:36

“Judge not that you be not judged.” Matthew 7:1

“You judge according to the flesh, I judge no one.” John 8:15


How many times recently can you remember being criticized? It was not easy to take, was it? But turn that thought around and think how many times recently you have criticized someone. Criticism is easy to give but hard to take. Some criticism is justified and other criticism is not acceptable. Criticism is useful only if it is constructive and lovingly given.

We can remember being with people in past years that have been very critical of people, places and things. It seemed that no one could do anything right in their sight. In the world we live in there are many people that just by their nature need to be critical in their evaluation of others. These people are always negative in their thinking and do not seem to enjoy any of the blessings of life.

In real life if you continually associate with one who is critical, you soon will become just as critical yourself. Life is full of choices and we need to choose people that we associate with daily who are kind, considerate and look at what is good in others rather than looking for something to criticize. People criticize others because they are trying to boost their own egos.

The Bible gives us guidelines about criticism. When we criticize someone or something we become a judge and we are passing our judgment on to another person’s actions. But we do not know the circumstances that they are facing and our criticism comes from not knowing all the facts. In John 8:15 (above), Jesus was defending himself to the Pharisees who were critical of His witness --- telling the masses that He was the Son of God. At this point in time they did not believe that Jesus was who He said He was. Jesus responded to them by saying that they judged according to the flesh but He judged no one. This is a lesson for us today because when we judge or criticize someone or something it is done out of the flesh and not of God.

As parents we taught our children to respect others no matter who they were or even though they might not agree with that person or with what they did. We often explained that criticism hurt and hurting people was not of God. We also discussed the negatives that happen when you judge people. We tried to encourage our children never to judge a person and to always let God take care of the situation. Everyone must answer to God for their own actions. This is a difficult concept for one of any age to comprehend and practice. But we have learned, many times the hard way, to let go and let God take over. Try it --- it works!


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8:

My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother.


Help me today not to criticize people that I meet but to try to see the good in everyone. Help me to be an encourager and not a critic. May others see in me a compassionate person that glorifies You in all that I do and say. Give me a tender heart and a new love for every person I touch with my life.

Prosper: March 2, 2011




To be successful or fortunate; thrive; flourish; to make successful or fortunate.


“If you do not obey the Lord your God --- you shall not prosper in your ways.” Deuteronomy 28:15&29.

He sought God in the days of Zechariah and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.” II Chronicles 26:5.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you.” Psalm 122:6

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” III John 2.


We all want to prosper and be successful. Moses was very specific in Deuteronomy chapter 28 in telling the Children of Israel what they must do if they wanted to receive God’s blessings and prosper in life. They must obey the Lord their God and carefully follow all His commandments. (Verse 1) In the following verses he lists the blessings they would receive. In verses 15-68, Moses details the curses that will come on them for disobedience. Moses warned them if they disobeyed God they would not prosper. Are you living in disobedience to God and wondering why everything is going wrong?

Every person wants to prosper today and when they see others prospering and they are not they become envious and many times bitter. We have two thoughts on this for your consideration today.

First, what do you mean by prospering? God may prosper you with specific talents to do His work. If he has, are you using them as He would desire? God may prosper you with time so that you can help others in their times of need. If so, how do you spend your time? Finally, God may prosper you with wealth. Can He trust you with what He has given you? How do you respond?

Another thought for you to consider is that God will only prosper you, according to the scriptures, when you put Him first place in your life --- ALL OF THE TIME! You cannot live for the Lord on Sunday and not on the weekdays and expect God to prosper you. You cannot treat your friends kindly and your family unkindly and expect to prosper. Really the decision is yours because God wants us all to prosper.

In II Chronicles 26, we read of Uzziah who became King of Judah at the age of 16. It is recorded that as a younger child when Uzziah was living under King Zechariah, he continually sought God in all that he did. When he became King, God said that as long as he sought Him, he would prosper. Notice that the verse says “as long as.” For a time Uzziah was obedient to God and did prosper. Unfortunately, he became proud which led him to be unfaithful to God. God afflicted him with leprosy until the day he died.

Psalms 22:6 instructs us as Christians to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The Psalmist here says if we do God will prosper us. Do you pray for this each day? God expects us to do this. God’s chosen people turned away from Him but God has never turned away from them.

And finally John in his third book writes to Gaius, who he calls the beloved believer in this first century church. Because of his faithfulness to God and his ability to walk daily in truth, John prays that God will prosper him in all things and give him good health. Likewise, we as Christians are to pray for our fellow believers and ask God to bless them in their faithfulness to the Lord.

Our prayer for you today is that God will prosper you in all that you do. But remember it will only happen if you obey God’s commands, continually seek God, pray for the peace of Israel and be faithful and truthful in all you do for the Lord.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8

My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother.


Thank You for giving me these illustrations from the past that challenge me to honor You in all that I do so I may prosper. Help me to understand that prospering means that I will receive Your blessings on my life. As I prosper may my family and my friends see Christ in me and may they give up their worldly traits and honor You in all that they do. Help me to pray daily for my family, my friends, and my fellow believers and for the peace of Jerusalem.

Instruction: March 3, 2011




Teaching; an order; direction; advice; education.


“Take firm hold of INSTRUCTION, do not let go.” Proverbs 4:13

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for INSTRUCTION in righteousness.” II Timothy 3:16


Think of all the times in your life when you faced the necessity of receiving some instruction. When you were a child you needed instruction from your parents. When you went to school you received instruction from your teachers. When you went to Sunday school you received instruction about the Bible from your Sunday school teacher. When you had a new job, you received instruction as to your responsibilities. In your job you needed to be open to instruction every day in order to do your job well.

We learned at an early age from our parents the value and importance of instruction. As children we did not always like the instruction that was given us. Children often rebel at instruction but if it is given consistently and in love soon one will overcome the rebellion. As we grew older we realized the value of the instruction given to us by our parents.

We also learned at an early age the value of the instruction we received in school. Our teachers and our parents taught us to study and to accept instruction as to how to study and learn. Without proper instruction how can a child learn? Today many children do not receive this kind of encouragement and the result is seen in the quality of education our children are receiving.

The above scripture verse found in II Timothy reminds us that the Bible was given to us as God’s inspired word for instruction as to how we are to live our lives in this world as believers in the Lord. The instruction that we receive as we read God’s word at times seems hard to understand and many wonder if it is even realistic in today’s culture. But when one accepts Jesus as his or her Savior a change in life style is expected and the instruction we receive from the Bible can be understood. We must understand that the instruction that God has given us in the Bible has never changed through the centuries --- only people and cultures change.

We are to take hold of the instruction that God gives us and we are not to let it go. (Proverbs 4:13) We encourage you today to use discernment about what others do or what others say if it conflicts with the instruction given to us in God’s word.

As parents we must instruct our children in the ways of the Lord and as children we must learn from the God-given instruction that our parents give us. Remember others learn from our words and our deeds. Make sure that what you do and say today is consistent with the instruction given to you in God’s Word.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8:

My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother.


Help me today to take the instruction I learn today, from reading Your Word and praying, and apply it to my walk and talk. Give me wisdom to express what Your Word tells me to my children and to those I meet today. May others learn from me today more about You and what You want from us as believers.

Sin: March 1, 2011




Transgression of divine law; an offense against God; a will for violation of some religious or moral principle; any reprehensible action.


“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23.

“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.” I Corinthians 15:22.


In the Garden of Eden God created a perfect world and a perfect life for Adam and Eve. In one brief moment of doubt and rebellion, Adam and Eve’s lives were changed forever. For the first time Adam and Eve felt guilt, embarrassment, discord in their marriage and fear. The consequences for their sin became our consequences as well.

When Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden, their fellowship and relationship with God was broken. God made it clear at that time that mankind would continue to reap the wages of sin (above verse) which are physical and spiritual death, until the Lord Jesus Christ returns to this planet to put an end to sin and death forever. Sin separates a sinner (the Bible says we are all sinners) from God’s mercy and death.

One of our great concerns today is that sin is really not talked about in the home and in the church as it should be. Adults and children live in a society that disregards sin as a problem. Many live in a “ME” society and really believe that they can do what they believe is best and right for them. They never take into consideration the Ten Commandments.

God gave us the Ten Commandments and two commandments in Matthew 22 for a reason. He expects us to live by them. Sinning is not acceptable to God.

Parents need to teach their children what the Bible says about sin, the serpent (Satan) and Adam and Eve. The proper teaching here will put sin in a proper context for a child. When a parent just says NO! NO! And does not explain why he has to say no, it makes learning much harder for the child. Children must be taught what the Bible says about right and wrong, and that sin is wrong. Children must be taught that sin always has consequences.

In the days of Noah, people turned away from God. Noah was warned by God that the sins of the people in his generation were unacceptable and would not be tolerated. The result was the flood. God judges sin and He holds us accountable for our sins.

Moses was a genuine man of God and even he sinned against God and had to pay the consequences. The children of Israel were rebelling against Moses because they had no water. God told Moses to speak to the rock, but instead Moses disobeyed God’s instructions and struck the rock twice. Moses not only disobeyed God, but he did not show honor to God in front of his people. The consequence was that God did not allow Moses to go into the Promise land with the Children of Israel. (Numbers, Chapter 20).

In some situations consequences come later but in the case of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts chapter 5) the consequence was immediate. First, Ananias lied to Peter about a sum of money he was giving to God. Peter replied that he had not lied to man but to God. Ananias immediately fell to the ground and died. Then the scripture says that about three hours later Sapphira, not knowing what had happened to her husband, also lied and dropped to the floor and died.

Sooner or later we will pay the consequences of sin. Sin came into our world because of the sin of Adam and Eve. The Bible leaves no doubt that the wages of our sin now is death later. Now is the time to ask God for forgiveness and accept God’s gift of eternal life through His Son Jesus. Please do not delay! As the scripture says, NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8.

My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother.


Thank You for the wonderful gift You have given me of eternal life through Your Son Jesus. Make me aware constantly of the result of sin and give me strength to resist temptations to sin. Help me to be a testimony to all I meet that they may see Christ in me and through me.

Blameless: February 28, 2011




Innocent; without fault; not guilty.


“He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous.” Psalm 15:2.

Who will also confirm you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 1:8


One of the most difficult traits that a person, including one that believes on Jesus, has to learn is to live a blameless life. Our parents taught us, not only by their words but probably more so by their actions, to live a blameless life. We realize that only our Lord is blameless but the scripture is very clear that God expects us to work constantly on living a blameless life.

The Psalmist exhorts us to walk blameless and do what is righteous. So when one talks about being blameless what they are really saying is that one who lives a righteous life will honor God in all they say and do.

As parents we needed to teach our children what it meant to live a blameless life. We taught them to obey God’s Word, to always tell the truth, to be kind to people, to be consistent in their walk and talk and at all times be helpful to someone in need. Normally when a person lives this way by their actions they will be respected and working toward living a blameless life.

Believers in Jesus need to work daily on the goal of being blameless before our Lord when we meet Him in eternity. What do we need to do to be blameless before our Lord in the evil world we live in today? David specifically wrote in Psalms 15:2 that we must do what is righteous. It is a daily challenge for us to live a Christ-like life and always do what is right in each and every situation.

Moses was talking to the children of Israel (Deuteronomy 18: 9-13) telling them when they entered the Promise Land, which the Lord had given them, they were not to live lives like their neighbors. The neighbors they would be living among were pagans and the Israelites would face many temptations to join in their evil ways. The evil ways of the pagan Canaanites were based on the occult. Satan is the origin and the promoter of the occult. Moses told the children of Israel that they must not get involved with these evil practices because they were detestable to the Lord. God would hold them accountable for their actions. Moses challenged the children of Israel to be blameless before the Lord their God.

Today we as Christians also live in a wicked godless society. Parents must be aware that occult practices are very prevalent in our world today. Parents must be alert to what is and who is influencing their children. Kids are fascinated with the Harry Potter books. Teachers lauded these books because they stimulated children to have a desire to read. Yes, the occult is intriguing but it is also very dangerous. Remember Satan is behind the occult.

God did not want the children of Israel to follow the evil ways of their world and God does not want us to follow the evil ways of our world. God expects us to be blameless before the Lord also. We all need to take a look back on our last 48 hours. Have we lived a life that could be considered blameless by God? Where have we missed it or broken down. Was it an action, a word or a deed?

The apostle Paul was praying for the people in the church at Thessalonica (I Thessalonians 3:13) when he prayed, “So that He (Jesus) may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.” Yes, God wants us to be blameless when He returns to this earth. He made it possible for us to be blameless through His death on the cross to cleanse us from all our sins.

Peter tells us in II Peter 2:14, referring to the coming again of Christ that we should be steadfast and strong in our commitment and beliefs. And we are to “look forward and be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless."

This is our prayer for you today that you will be strong in the Lord, steadfast in what you believe and be blameless as you wait for the soon coming of Jesus. And let us assure you, He is coming soon!


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8.

My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother.


Help me and my family today to be like Job of old when You said to Satan, Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on this earth, a blameless and upright man who fears God and shuns evil. Keep Your guiding hand on me as I work toward this goal in my life today.

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