March 7, 2011

Instruction: March 3, 2011




Teaching; an order; direction; advice; education.


“Take firm hold of INSTRUCTION, do not let go.” Proverbs 4:13

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for INSTRUCTION in righteousness.” II Timothy 3:16


Think of all the times in your life when you faced the necessity of receiving some instruction. When you were a child you needed instruction from your parents. When you went to school you received instruction from your teachers. When you went to Sunday school you received instruction about the Bible from your Sunday school teacher. When you had a new job, you received instruction as to your responsibilities. In your job you needed to be open to instruction every day in order to do your job well.

We learned at an early age from our parents the value and importance of instruction. As children we did not always like the instruction that was given us. Children often rebel at instruction but if it is given consistently and in love soon one will overcome the rebellion. As we grew older we realized the value of the instruction given to us by our parents.

We also learned at an early age the value of the instruction we received in school. Our teachers and our parents taught us to study and to accept instruction as to how to study and learn. Without proper instruction how can a child learn? Today many children do not receive this kind of encouragement and the result is seen in the quality of education our children are receiving.

The above scripture verse found in II Timothy reminds us that the Bible was given to us as God’s inspired word for instruction as to how we are to live our lives in this world as believers in the Lord. The instruction that we receive as we read God’s word at times seems hard to understand and many wonder if it is even realistic in today’s culture. But when one accepts Jesus as his or her Savior a change in life style is expected and the instruction we receive from the Bible can be understood. We must understand that the instruction that God has given us in the Bible has never changed through the centuries --- only people and cultures change.

We are to take hold of the instruction that God gives us and we are not to let it go. (Proverbs 4:13) We encourage you today to use discernment about what others do or what others say if it conflicts with the instruction given to us in God’s word.

As parents we must instruct our children in the ways of the Lord and as children we must learn from the God-given instruction that our parents give us. Remember others learn from our words and our deeds. Make sure that what you do and say today is consistent with the instruction given to you in God’s Word.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8:

My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother.


Help me today to take the instruction I learn today, from reading Your Word and praying, and apply it to my walk and talk. Give me wisdom to express what Your Word tells me to my children and to those I meet today. May others learn from me today more about You and what You want from us as believers.

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