June 17, 2012

Gems of Encouragement: June 16, 2012



Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. Proverbs 12:1


My son do not make light of the Lord’s discipline and do not lose heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and punishes everyone He accepts as a son. Hebrews 12:5-6.


Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of His praise be heard; He has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. For you, O God, tested us, You refined us like silver. Psalm 66:8-10.

Appreciation: June 15, 2012




Thankful recognition; gratitude; recognizing the worth of; esteem duly.


Now to God and Father be glory forever and ever. Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me greet you. Philippians 4:20-21.


Paul is closing his letter to the church at Philippi (above verses) but has one more item to cover that we can learn from. He expresses his appreciation to God and for his fellow believers. This doxology in verse 20 is Paul’s praise in direct response to the great truth that God supplies all the needs of the saints. This is Paul’s praise to the character of God and His faithfulness.

Paul wants to remind us that God is to be praised as God, the Creator and Sovereign ruler of the universe. Secondly, Paul wants to remind us that God is to be praised because He is our Father. By praising God we show Him our appreciation for all that He does for us.

As believers, God has adopted us as His sons and daughters and yet in spite of this so many believers find reason to criticize, grumble, and complain about how God does things. The unbelievers have rebelled, rejected, questioned and denied Him.  They have chosen to live as they please and to do their own thing rather than to be obedient and follow Him. What a sad commentary for the world we live in. Where is the appreciation for God and what He has done for us?

There is so much that we as believers need to be thankful for. We need to show our appreciation for who God is and all that He has given us. In I Chronicles 16:25 we read, “For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise.” Praise is how we show our appreciation toward God. When we truly appreciate God we will give God all the glory as Paul did. Appreciation for God and for others changes our attitude and our outlook on life and the way we treat others.

In the world we live in today very few people show appreciation to anybody or for anything. Children show very little appreciation to their parents.  This is because they are not taught appreciation. Spouses show very little appreciation to one another and this is what the children see and follow.

In the workplace hard work and a job well done often go without a word of appreciation from a superior. Because of this every worker strives to do only what is necessary to make themselves look good even at the expense of others.

As a child of God you should always be mindful to show your appreciation to others and not take what they do for you for granted. When we appreciate others it changes their attitude toward us.

The Apostle Paul in all of his letters sets an example for his fellow believers teaching them  to show appreciation first and foremost to God for all that He has provided for us in spite of the fact that we are mere sinners saved by grace and unworthy of His great love for us. As you pray today, show your appreciation to God by giving Him praise and glory.


Our memory verse for this week is found in John 6:35.

And Jesus said unto them. I am the bread of life, he who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.


As my God and my creator I honor You this day with my praise and appreciation. I thank You for Your great gift of my salvation through Your Son Jesus. I am so thankful for my family and friends and I ask You to bless them and meet their every need. Help me to lead my family to show appreciation to You for all that You do for us.

Anger: June 14, 2012




A strong feeling of displeasure caused by a real or supposed wrong; a sudden violent displeasure accompanied by an impulse to retaliate.


Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you. Ephesians 4:31.


Anger is a strong and dangerous emotion. Anger motivates people to make bad decisions that often lead to violence. People do things in a fit of anger that they otherwise would never do. We see this to be true each and every day, and it has been going on since the fall of Adam because as we read in Genesis 4:5, Cain was very angry and his anger led him to kill his brother Abel.

God does not say that we will not get angry. He wants us to control our anger and handle it wisely and proper. The writer of Proverbs (29:11) tells us to be wise and keep our anger under control. Paul’s advice to us in Ephesians 4:26 is to not allow anger to cause us to be evil and sin.

Yes, God himself gets angry but this does not justify our anger. What angers God is the godlessness and wickedness of people (Romans 1:18). In Numbers 32:13 we read that “the Lord’s anger burned against Israel and He made them wander in the desert for 40 years, until a whole generation of those who had done evil in His sight was gone.” God’s anger is always justified and His punishment is always just.

Every family has to deal with times of anger between its members. It happens in the best of families. There is no perfect child that has never made his or her parents angry. When parents get angry with a child they need to stop and think if their anger is justified.

One of the concepts we attempted to teach our children, using verses from the Bible, was that when one was angry he or she never came out a winner. In Proverbs 17:27 it reads, “He who has knowledge restrains his words.” This means that we need to keep to ourselves words that we know could ignite anger in others. Certain personalities have trouble with this concept because just by their nature they want to stir up conflict. It seems to be inheritant in all of us to want to get in the last word.

Words spoken in anger and things done in anger are really regretted after the fact. But then it is too late to undo the harm that was done. Angry words are rather like toothpaste; you cannot put it back into the tube.

In Proverbs 17:27 we read that, “A man of understanding is of a calm spirit.” A man of understanding is someone who is truly wise. To be of calm spirit means to be even-tempered. To be a person of understanding and a calm spirit we need to follow Paul’s instruction and get rid of all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking. (Ephesians 4:31)

The key to controlling anger is to stop when a conflict begins and ask God for a calm spirit and a cool head. Remember what the Proverbs says in 15:1, A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Thomas Jefferson said on February 21, 1825: “When angry, count to ten before you speak; if you are very angry count to one hundred.” May we add that while you are counting ask God for a calm spirit, a cool head, and a tender heart.


Our memory verse for this week is found in John 6:35.

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life, he who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.


Help me to control my anger and restrain me from lashing out with mean and hurtful words when others give me cause to be angry. Give me self-control in all of my words and deeds and may others see the fruits of the Spirit controlling my life.

Good Deeds: June 13, 2012




A good thing done; a good act completed; good works.


In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned. Titus 2:7


Titus was a Greek and most likely was led to Christ by Paul. Titus was taught and nurtured in the truth of the gospel by Paul. Titus accompanied Paul on some of his missionary journeys. He worked with Paul in Crete and when Paul had to leave he left Titus there to oversee the church and to disciple the people in the church.

The degenerate culture in Crete and the crude conduct of the people had a bad influence on the new believers. The false teachers were undermining the church with false doctrine.

Paul knew that he left Titus with a tough assignment. Paul was always concerned about his churches and about the young pastors like Titus. He continued to support them with advice and admonition. The book of Titus was his letter of exhortation to Titus.

Paul was teaching the young men (verse 6) to show integrity in their leadership role as teachers in the church. Paul was exhorting Titus that he had a special obligation to exemplify the moral and spiritual qualities of a true believer by being a model of good works.

The words good deeds appear five times in the book of Titus. Paul was teaching Titus that he must be above criticism in how he taught the sound doctrine that he had learned from Paul. These words are a warning to him. If he preaches sound doctrine it is meaningless if it is not backed by good deeds. This is a warning for us as well.

Paul gives Titus a description in Titus 1:16 of those who are “unfit for doing anything good.” They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. In chapter two Paul tells Titus to set an example by always doing good. Paul several times exhorted Titus to communicate to the believers their responsibility to do good deeds, as Christ did and as the Word of God commands us to do.

As members of a civilized society we keep trying, by our power, to change the way people are and the way we behave. We hear this from many who read our devotionals. Society tries to effect change in people, and we set tougher laws and boundaries, but people are people and human nature is the same. Someone once said that you can bring a pig into your house but it will not change the pig but it will certainly change your house.

And that is the problem. You cannot within your power change the behavior of your spouse, your children, your friend or anyone at all. You have to change the heart and this can only be done by God. If you want someone to act a certain way you must lead by example by the way you live. Our good deeds done to others give our words greater impact. People judge the integrity of our words by our deeds. We can’t change people but by our example, we can be a witness of God’s love and saving grace. In God’s perfect timing a heart will be changed.


Our memory verse for this week is found in John 6:35.

And Jesus said unto them. I am the bread of life, he who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.


Help me to realize the way my good deeds can be used by You to change the heart of someone whose life I touch today. Help me to be faithful in living a Godly life so that my good deeds will be a testimony to others.

Alone: June 12, 2012




Apart from or the exclusion of others or things; solitary; separate.


I lie awake, and am like a sparrow alone on the housetop. Psalm 102:7.


The Psalmist in the verse we have above is expressing that he is feeling like a solitary bird thinking that he has been abandoned by both God and man. These are the thoughts of an afflicted man that feels completely alone and feels that no one cares, not even God.

The writer of this Psalm is unknown but it is apparent that it was written when he was going through a troubled time in his life. Psalm 102 tells us that he was in great distress, so much so that he couldn’t eat and he couldn’t sleep. When we are in great distress we often feel deserted and that no one understands. This is how the Psalmist felt.

In verse 7 (above) he pictures himself as just a little sparrow all alone on a housetop. He feels so insignificant that he wasn’t sure God even saw him or heard him. He cries out to God and asks God not to hide His face from him and to turn His ear to him. As he prays for God’s help he feels reassured that God still sits on His throne and that He will respond to the prayer of the destitute.

Every day we receive emails from people that read our devotionals that share with us that they are distressed, frustrated and feeling helpless and alone, just as the Psalmist did. Being alone can be devastating for most people because they have literally no support in this life or do not know where to turn for support. They are truly lonely and alone. They feel no one cares. We can, however, be assured that God cares and that He understands. 

Just think how alone Jesus must have felt hanging alone on the cross. He cried out to God, “Why hast thou forsaken Me?” He endured separation from His Father in order to pay the penalty for our sins. Yes, because of God’s great love for us, He sent Jesus all alone to the cross. Both Jesus and God, our Father, understand what it meant to be alone.

When you, as a believer in Jesus, begin to feel alone you have comfort that an unbeliever does not have. Knowing that you are a child of God, you have Jesus to turn to in prayer and you have the assurance that He is right by your side to comfort you and to encourage you. Those that do not know Jesus as their Savior are truly alone when they face struggles and loneliness.

Do you lie awake at night feeling like a sparrow all alone on the rooftop? Or do you lie down and sleep in peace because you have put your trust in the Lord? It is the Lord alone, nobody else or nothing else, who brings peace and allows us to dwell in safety.


Our memory verse for this week is found in John 6:35.

And Jesus said unto them. I am the bread of life, he who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.


Help me to remember that as a child of God, You are with me at all times. May I be an encouragement to someone today who is alone and feels no one cares. May the joy of Jesus shine out through my words and deeds.

Allergy: June 11, 2012




An overreaction of the immune system to a previously encountered harmless substance resulting in skin rash, swelling, sneezing or wheezing; having an allergy to something.


Abstain from every form of evil. I Thessalonians 5:22.


You may ask or think that this is a strange word for a devotional. When we hear the word allergy we think of the symptoms of sneezing, coughing, itching, rashes and swelling that are results from contact with things that our immune system cannot handle. The best defense against these allergies is to avoid contact with those things our immune system cannot cope with.

We have several children and grand children that have somewhat chronic cases of allergies. We can see how they are detrimental to their health. Some take medication and others even use breathers to help conquer the discomfort they face with these physical allergies. For some the allergies come from food, some from plants and for others it is just something in the air. It is not easy to avoid things that cause allergies, particularly things that we cannot see.

We also face spiritual allergies in life and we need to be able to recognize them and stay away from them to protect the spiritual health of our relationship with the Lord.

As believers we constantly face dangers in our lives that some may call spiritual allergies. In the scripture above Paul is telling us to avoid every form of evil. What is evil? Anything that is ungodly and unbiblical is evil. Satan does everything in his power to bring us in contact with evil. He uses his power of temptation to attract us to evil. He uses his power of deceit to convince us that evil is all right. He also uses false teachers to keep us from knowing what is evil.

When you go to the doctor to find out how to cope with a physical allergy, the doctor will test for the cause and then tell you to stay away from the things that are bad for you and the cause of your allergy. This is also the Apostle Paul’s advice to us about evil. Stay away from what is bad. In I Thessalonians 5:21, Paul says, “test everything and hold onto the good.”

Paul is telling us to analyze all of our activities. What we find to be good we should embrace whole heartily. What we find as evil, bad, or unbiblical we should stay away from at all times. If we adhere to this advice it will lead us to make good choices in each day’s activities and choices that honor God.

When we take part of something that is evil it comes between us and God and our spiritual sensitivity is weakened. Unless we avoid the evil it will soon become a chronic sin and like an allergy we will have to fight it daily. As believers we need to avoid situations that lead us to do things that are evil in God’s sight.

Psalm 34:14 tells us to “Turn from evil and do good.” When we sin and do evil it is because we choose to do so. It is a conscious choice but God wants us to choose to be obedient to Him and turn from evil and choose to do good.


Our memory verse for this week is found in John 6:35.

And Jesus said unto them. I am the bread of life, he who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.


Lord, give me godly incite to discern what is evil and what is good. Give me the strength to resist the temptations that Satan uses to draw me to evil. Keep me diligent in testing everything so that I avoid evil and hold on to the good. Make my life shine in a way today to allow others fighting spiritual allergies to see Christ in and through me.

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