June 17, 2012

Good Deeds: June 13, 2012




A good thing done; a good act completed; good works.


In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned. Titus 2:7


Titus was a Greek and most likely was led to Christ by Paul. Titus was taught and nurtured in the truth of the gospel by Paul. Titus accompanied Paul on some of his missionary journeys. He worked with Paul in Crete and when Paul had to leave he left Titus there to oversee the church and to disciple the people in the church.

The degenerate culture in Crete and the crude conduct of the people had a bad influence on the new believers. The false teachers were undermining the church with false doctrine.

Paul knew that he left Titus with a tough assignment. Paul was always concerned about his churches and about the young pastors like Titus. He continued to support them with advice and admonition. The book of Titus was his letter of exhortation to Titus.

Paul was teaching the young men (verse 6) to show integrity in their leadership role as teachers in the church. Paul was exhorting Titus that he had a special obligation to exemplify the moral and spiritual qualities of a true believer by being a model of good works.

The words good deeds appear five times in the book of Titus. Paul was teaching Titus that he must be above criticism in how he taught the sound doctrine that he had learned from Paul. These words are a warning to him. If he preaches sound doctrine it is meaningless if it is not backed by good deeds. This is a warning for us as well.

Paul gives Titus a description in Titus 1:16 of those who are “unfit for doing anything good.” They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. In chapter two Paul tells Titus to set an example by always doing good. Paul several times exhorted Titus to communicate to the believers their responsibility to do good deeds, as Christ did and as the Word of God commands us to do.

As members of a civilized society we keep trying, by our power, to change the way people are and the way we behave. We hear this from many who read our devotionals. Society tries to effect change in people, and we set tougher laws and boundaries, but people are people and human nature is the same. Someone once said that you can bring a pig into your house but it will not change the pig but it will certainly change your house.

And that is the problem. You cannot within your power change the behavior of your spouse, your children, your friend or anyone at all. You have to change the heart and this can only be done by God. If you want someone to act a certain way you must lead by example by the way you live. Our good deeds done to others give our words greater impact. People judge the integrity of our words by our deeds. We can’t change people but by our example, we can be a witness of God’s love and saving grace. In God’s perfect timing a heart will be changed.


Our memory verse for this week is found in John 6:35.

And Jesus said unto them. I am the bread of life, he who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.


Help me to realize the way my good deeds can be used by You to change the heart of someone whose life I touch today. Help me to be faithful in living a Godly life so that my good deeds will be a testimony to others.

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