September 4, 2011

Consideration: August 31, 2011




The act of considering; careful thought or attention; thoughtful or sympathetic; regard or respect.


Now therefore says the Lord of hosts: “Consider your ways.” Haggai 1:5

“To speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, considerate, gentile, showing all humility to all men.” Titus 3:2.


In his letter to Titus (above verse), the Apostle Paul instructs Titus to remind those who believe in Jesus of the Christian principles that should be evident in a Christian’s life. Being considerate is one of them. Do you live a life having consideration for others? We are living in a “ME” generation and most people today, especially young people, give very little consideration to others.

We have developed generations of people that really are only concerned about themselves and care very little about other people’s concerns. Let us share one example that every one of us experiences every day. We see someone and ask, “How are you?” But do we really care how they are doing? Most people do not care. All they are doing is recognizing someone they meet. Think about this!

Take a moment today and evaluate how considerate you are to others. The prophet Haggai (above) tells us to “Consider our ways.” Look back to yesterday. Were you considerate to those you met and/or talked to? Were you considerate to your spouse and children? When faced with an issue, did you take into consideration all the others that may be involved in that issue?

Before you react to an issue or concern, take a moment and think about how Jesus would have responded. Think of ways today as to how you can be more considerate to your spouse and children. Consider your attitude, your thought process and your decision making style. If you will work on these issues today, your day will be blessed of God. The scripture is clear in telling us that we are to consider others.

Our genuine concern and compassion for others is a true measure of the depth of our relationship with our Lord. Our good works cannot save us. We are saved by our faith but if our faith is genuine we will reach out to others. Our considerate treatment of others honors our Lord.

In Isaiah 58:7, Isaiah tells us what truly honors God: “It is to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter. When you see the naked, clothe him and do not turn away from your own flesh and blood.” The writer of Proverbs tells us in Proverbs 14:31 that “whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”


Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 3:28.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


Thank You for giving me a spirit of consideration today. Help me to be considerate to my spouse, my children, and my parents and to all that I meet and talk to today. May others see Jesus through me in all that I do.

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