December 4, 2011

Trouble: November 28, 2011




A condition or cause of distress and concern; annoy; worry; put to inconvenience.


He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. Psalm 91:15.


In the third chapter of Daniel you can read about the trouble that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had because they refused to bow to the golden image that their King Nebuchadnezzar required all to bow to. The scripture tells us that the King was furious and in a rage and gave the command to bring these three men before him. The King asked them if it was true that they would not serve his gods or worship the gold image that he had set up.

The King told them to bow now or that they would be thrown into a burning furnace. Now it would seem that these men were in more trouble than they could handle. They had to choose the path to righteousness or the path of wickedness. They knew, as believers in God, it would be disobedient to God if they bowed down to false images or gods, however if they did not bow to the image they would be disobedient to the King and it would cost them their lives.

But they now knew they had to make a choice and answer the King. They must either bow down or face death in the fiery furnace. They did not hesitate in giving the King their answer. They would not bow down to the image. They believed God could save them but even if God chose not to save them they could not worship false gods.

The King was now really full of fury and ordered the furnace to be heated seven times hotter than normal. Now these three men really were in trouble. The King had the three men bound and thrown into the furnace. These men knew their only hope was their total trust in God and that God was with them in this time of trouble in their lives.

Then the King was astonished at what he saw. He asked his counselors if they only put three men into the furnace because he could now see four. Then the King said that the fourth man is like the Son of God. He ordered the men taken out of the furnace and then said to the men who came out of the furnace to come to him. Then the King said, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego” and the King decreed that no man should speak against the God of these men or if they did that they would be sliced to pieces.

The King acknowledged that their God was the true God with these words: “For no other God can save this way.”

In times of trouble we may feel like we are in the fiery furnace and we wonder why does God allow believers to experience so much trouble. The reality is that God does allow believers to be in the fire for reasons we do not know; however this we do know, that when any of His children are in the fire, He is right there with them.

What a wonderful illustration and example God has given us in this event. If God could help these men in their time of trouble, surely He can be with us in our times of trouble. Remember that it is the troubles of life that helps shape us into what God wants us to be.

LEARNING: Our memory verse for this week is found in Revelation 3: 20.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.


Thank You for this example and illustration that You have given us in Your Word. Help me to learn from this so that my life will become a life that glorifies Your name. When trouble comes our way may we set aside our desires and put our trust in You. As we worship You daily may we worship You in Spirit and in truth.

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