January 17, 2010

Prepare: January 13, 2010




To put in proper condition or readiness


“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed.” 11 Timothy 2:15

“He will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” 1Timothy 2:21


After God had miraculously parted the Jordan River so the Children of Israel could enter Canaan, the Israelites were anxious to conquer the surrounding nations so that they could occupy the land God had promised them. God however said “Time out --- not so fast!” God did not want them to rush into Canaan without being prepared.

The first thing God had them do in preparation was to set up the memorial of twelve stones. God had them do this to remind them that it was God who was leading them and they were serving a God of might and power.

The second thing that God asked the Israelites to do was to circumcise every male. When God made His covenant (promise) with Abraham that He would make him the father of a great nation, God established that circumcision would be a symbol of cutting off the old life and beginning a new life with God. This was a sign of belonging to God.

The third thing that God required them to do was to celebrate the Passover which was a celebration of the night in Egypt that the angel of death passed over the Israelites homes sparing the lives of their first born. God wanted them to remember the mighty miracles of God that He had done in bringing them out of Egypt to the Promised Land.

There was special significance to these three steps of preparation that God asked the Children of Israel to do. He wanted to establish the importance of worshipping Him. They were to trust God and in Him alone!

They were to serve God and no other gods because they were His chosen people. They were set apart from the rest of the world and belonged to God.

They were to recognize that God is faithful and fulfills His promises thus He is the one that should receive the glory.

Just as God wanted the Israelites to take time out and prepare for the challenges that were before them, God wants us to take time out to prepare each day for the challenges we will face in life. Taking time for God each day is just as important today as it was in the days of Joshua.

We coached the soccer and baseball teams that several of our children were playing on. In order to be adept in the game we required the team to practice on a regular basis each week so that they as a team would be prepared for the game on Saturday. Our teams always did well and that was because they came to each game ready and prepared. Each one knew their role and the importance of team work. They knew what to do and how to do it before the start of the game.

Take a moment right now and make sure you have taken time with God today to be prepared for what you will face this day. When you do, God will be with you through every moment of your day.


Our memory verse for this week is:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.


Lord keep me faithful each day so that I take “time out” to spend time reading Your Word and in prayer. Encourage me so that I will know that this will prepare me for the challenges I will face each day. Guide me as I teach and prepare my children so that they may stand strong in these times of great temptation. Help me to get them ready for the “game of life” so that they may be victorious.

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