May 6, 2012

Respect: May 4, 2012




Treat with special consideration or high regard; to give honor to; be courteous.


Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him. Psalm 33:8.


We must first and foremost respect God and, unfortunately, most people do not feel that respecting God is important. It is not that they say that they do not respect God, but it is through their words and deeds that they show no respect to God.

Just think about how often you hear God’s name used in a disrespectful way. The way a person uses God’s name reveals how they feel about God. Those who use God’s name disrespectfully have never considered who God is. He is the God who created us and all that is in the world. He is the one and only true God. He is Holy, and He is all powerful. The essence of all that God is should put us in awe of Him. 

Beyond that, as you read in the verse that we have put above you will see that we have no choice but to respect God. It is a Biblical command. If you have any doubt read the Ten Commandments. The first four of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) addresses our relationship to God and what is required of us to show respect to God. The other six deal with our relationship to others and how we are to show respect to them.

Respect for God changes us. Before Paul met Jesus he had no respect for Jesus or anyone who believed in Jesus. After his conversion, Paul’s respect for God changed him completely. Paul came to not only respect Jesus and His believers but to work side by side with those he sought to persecute. 

The apostle Paul practiced showing respect to those that ministered with him. He praised Timothy for his unselfishness and proven character as well as being a true son who served with him in the Gospel. (Philippians 2:20) Paul also commended and showed respect to Epaphroditus when he said, “my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier who risked his life for the work of Christ.” (Philippians 2:25, 30)

Respect for God results in obedience to God. In Genesis we read the story about God telling Abraham to take his son up to the mountain and offer him as a sacrifice. Abraham had respect for God and responded in obedience as God directed him. God wanted to not only test Abraham but also Isaac as to their respect and love for Him. God wanted Abraham and Isaac to witness what He would do when they put their total trust and respect in Him. Because they respected God and honored Him, He provided a ram for the sacrifice.

The root problem causing the lack of respect in our world today is the sin in people’s lives. Many parents and children have either no or very little respect for God, their families, their neighbors or the people they meet daily. The lack of respect in their lives means that their sinful nature is controlling them.

The writer of Hebrews wrote, “Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect.” If children respect their human fathers how much more should we expect them to respect their heavenly Father?

Where do you stand as to showing respect to God and others? Where does your family stand? All of us need to realize that God expects us to show respect first of all to Him and then to those we live with.


Our memory verse for this week is the ninth of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:16.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


Help me to learn the real meaning of respect as You want me to know it and to show it. Give me the desire to respect and honor You, by showing respect to my family, friends and neighbors. Help me to teach others the importance of showing respect to You.

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