June 27, 2010

Example: June 23, 2010

Today's Word for Wednesday June 23, 2010



One of a number of things that show the character of all; a model.


"Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those that walk according to the pattern you have in us." Philippians 3:17


We can remember when one of our children, when quite young, said - I can walk just like daddy. We have always been very sensitive to walking a life that honors God because we know not only our children but friends and acquaintances are watching us daily. In fact some people watch just waiting for us to stumble so they can say or think, "just what I thought; they really are not consistent in their walk as Christians."

The way we live and what we do influences people. We may not want to influence them, but it does not matter whether we want to or not: they are influenced. Everyone that knows us, including our family and friends, watch for the good and bad and think of what they see and hear as an example for them. It may be conscious or unconscious, intentional or unintentional, but willing or unwilling we set an example for those that know us. We influence people by how we live and by what we do.

The word of Paul from Philippians, in the above passage, gives us one of the most important messages for all believers. All believers must make sure they are following the right examples of Christian living. Paul is challenging us to follow his example. He could say this because he was following Christ's example. In the previous three verses (12-14) Paul says he knows he is not perfect but he keeps on trying to be more like Christ. None of us are perfect and we all need to strive daily to be all that God wants us to be so that others can see Christ in us.

The point is this: the life we live, if we say that we are a believer, sets a pattern for others to follow. Others are observing us in all that we do. This should serve as a warning to us of great critical importance. We must live on the highest plane possible. We must set the most positive and dynamic example possible for others to follow.

Paul also said "to take note of those who walk according to the pattern you have in us." If we are going to look at someone as our example, we must make sure that they are following Christ's example as Paul did. We must follow only those that have a positive Godly example.

Christians in Paul's day did not have Bibles. If they would have, Paul would have said to follow what God's Word said. As Christians we do have the Bible so in order to be the example God wants us to be, we must read the Bible. Remember if you choose to follow an example of someone make sure that someone measures up to Christ's example and is obedient to God's Word.

When a person like Paul, who is an example for us to follow as believers, lives his life on the highest plane, he lives like Christ told us to live.

What kind of an example are you living today? Do you understand that you are being watched? Make sure your life, your walk and your talk, serve as an example to others so that they will see Christ in you and through you.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:16.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.


Give me this day the confidence to live my life so that I am an example of You in all that I do. May my life first be an example to my spouse and my children. May my walk and talk honor You in all that I do and then be that example that You expect from me.

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