August 3, 2014

Believe: August 1, 2014




To trust in; to hold a firm conviction about; to have confidence in the truth; to have religious faith.


That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9


It is impossible to believe something into existence. The Gospel did not come into being because men believed it. The tomb was not emptied of Christ’s body that first Easter morning because some of His faithful followers believed it. The fact preceded the faith.

We are psychologically incapable of believing without an object of our faith. The object of our faith is Christ. We, as believers in Jesus Christ, are not called upon to believe something that is not credible. But we are called upon to believe in the fact of history that in reality transcends all of history. This is the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior.

God has given us a sixth sense and that is the ability to believe. We do not know Christ through the five physical senses He has given everyone. Our belief is based on faith and faith requires surrender and commitment, for us as believers, to the claims of Jesus Christ.

When you see the word believe in the present tense it means that it is not a onetime event but an ongoing condition. To believe and have a saving faith the writer of Romans in the first 12 chapters tells us that there are three elements to our belief.

The first is mental: It is with the mind that we come to understand the gospel and the truth about Christ. Second, it is emotional: The embracing of the truthfulness of those facts will bring sorrow over sin and joy over God’s mercy and grace. Finally, it is volitional: The sinner must choose to submit his or her will to Christ and trusts in Him alone as the only hope of salvation.

Genuine faith in believing in Jesus always produces authentic obedience. We thank the Lord daily for the ability to believe. Do you?


Our memory verse for this week is found in I Corinthians 3:11.

For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.


Help me to always keep my eyes on You so that my faith does not waver. Help me not to look down, away from You, and stumble. Thank You for the joy and peace that I have because I believe in You.

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