February 20, 2011

Praise: February 18, 2011




Commend warmly; glorify the attributes of God.


Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly … singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16.

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise. Psalm 145:3


What better way to end a week and to begin a weekend then to talk about praise. The apostle Paul tells us in this verse above found in Colossians to admonish one another in Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in our hearts to the Lord.

These words remind us about when we visited Kenya for a two day conference with the Pastors, church leaders, choirs and people from the some 75 churches we established their through our mission and the leadership of Rev and Mrs. Rhoads.

Some of these people who were the poorest of the poor walked for literally days to attend this conference. But what we remember more than their poverty was the way they sang their praises to God. These people had very little of earths treasures and they put us to shame in the way they praised God.

We have been in many places in our world where we visited programs we were assisting. So many times we would here an individual humming a song. This was their way to praise God. They sang and worshipped God even though they had so little.

We also remember our association with a ministry helping to establish churches for the deaf in the Philippians. You will never be the same when you sit in one of their churches and see these dear deaf people singing praises to God in sign language. They did not let their physical handicap keep them from praising God. No matter how you are feeling now; you can lift your spirits if you cultivate an attitude of praise.

When we think of God’s goodness to us and consider all He has done for us how can we not praise Him? When we are praising God we won’t be complaining about our problems. Think about what an impact and testimony it is to others when they see the joy we have in the Lord.

When our children were young we often sang children’s songs of praise that they learned in Sunday school, as we were driving places in the car. Whether it is through song or conversation, let your joy for the Lord reverberate to others. You will be surprised as to how many you will encourage just by praising the Lord.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 100:4.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.


Help me to praise You today in all that I do. May my praising You even by humming a song or encouraging a neighbor honor You and bless Your name. Lord, I praise You today for Your goodness to me. You are a great God and worthy of all praise. Help me to lead my children in praising You each day.

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