February 20, 2011
Church: February 16, 2011
An edifice for religious worship; a body of Christian believers.
They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine. Acts 2:42
The word “church” was first used by Christ when He told Peter that He would build His church upon him. (Matthew 16:18) Just before Jesus ascended into heaven He commissioned His disciples to be His disciples to be His witnesses and add to the body of believers. When Jesus used the word “church,” He was referring to all those who believed in Him. Today we use the word “church” not only for believers but also to identify a building where people meet to worship.
After receiving the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, Peter and the apostles immediately began to carry out Jesus commandment to them and began to preach Christ’s message of salvation. On that very day the number of believers grew from 120 to 3000.
The believers were thrilled with awe, excitement and enthusiasm and as a result, “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47) Most importantly, “they continued steadfastly in the apostles teaching.” In other words they lived by all that Jesus had taught the apostles.” Their enthusiasm for the Lord was exciting to be part of.
In our churches today, this excitement and devotion does not prevail. Today many people think church people are hypocrites. The Greek word “hupokrites” is where we get our word hypocrites from. In ancient times it referred to actors who displayed changes of emotion by changing the masks they held in front of their face. Their real self was hidden by the mask.
Many church people today fall into this category. They faithfully go to church and give the appearance of a sincere believer. But look at them the next day when they get to their work place and take off their mask, then you will see the real person.
You may ask, as we have many times, why does this happen? It seems such people like to put up a good appearance. They have one foot in the church and one in the world. They cannot completely relinquish their worldly desires and submit their will to the will of God. They do not have a personal relationship with the Lord. Unfortunately many say they do but their actions tell the real story.
We also notice today that in many church services the excitement is not there as it was years ago. We need to admit that there are times we have been disappointed in going to church. Our concern is that many pastors seem to have lost their enthusiasm. They have lost their excitement in communication and the people feel it. We also have to consider the possibility that we ourselves are at fault because we come to church with the wrong attitude.
What can we do to make every Sunday special and the attending of church exciting? First, we need to go with the anticipation of meeting with God. Many times we do not go prepared. We need to bring our burdens and praises to Him and then see what He does in your life.
Secondly, go with the anticipation that you will learn something new about God. Expect to hear from God and expect to be encouraged by some truth you hear from God’s Word. And finally, go to fellowship with other believers. We need others in our Christian journey. Maybe an encouraging word from you or even a smile will affect someone who has come to church very discouraged. Ask God to make you a bright light to those around you and then ask Him to give you something new from His Word.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 100:4.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name.
Show me today along with my family the importance of taking the time to worship God in church. Prepare my heart each week as I attend that I may be ready to hear Your voice as well as being a blessing to those that worship with me.
An edifice for religious worship; a body of Christian believers.
They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine. Acts 2:42
The word “church” was first used by Christ when He told Peter that He would build His church upon him. (Matthew 16:18) Just before Jesus ascended into heaven He commissioned His disciples to be His disciples to be His witnesses and add to the body of believers. When Jesus used the word “church,” He was referring to all those who believed in Him. Today we use the word “church” not only for believers but also to identify a building where people meet to worship.
After receiving the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, Peter and the apostles immediately began to carry out Jesus commandment to them and began to preach Christ’s message of salvation. On that very day the number of believers grew from 120 to 3000.
The believers were thrilled with awe, excitement and enthusiasm and as a result, “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47) Most importantly, “they continued steadfastly in the apostles teaching.” In other words they lived by all that Jesus had taught the apostles.” Their enthusiasm for the Lord was exciting to be part of.
In our churches today, this excitement and devotion does not prevail. Today many people think church people are hypocrites. The Greek word “hupokrites” is where we get our word hypocrites from. In ancient times it referred to actors who displayed changes of emotion by changing the masks they held in front of their face. Their real self was hidden by the mask.
Many church people today fall into this category. They faithfully go to church and give the appearance of a sincere believer. But look at them the next day when they get to their work place and take off their mask, then you will see the real person.
You may ask, as we have many times, why does this happen? It seems such people like to put up a good appearance. They have one foot in the church and one in the world. They cannot completely relinquish their worldly desires and submit their will to the will of God. They do not have a personal relationship with the Lord. Unfortunately many say they do but their actions tell the real story.
We also notice today that in many church services the excitement is not there as it was years ago. We need to admit that there are times we have been disappointed in going to church. Our concern is that many pastors seem to have lost their enthusiasm. They have lost their excitement in communication and the people feel it. We also have to consider the possibility that we ourselves are at fault because we come to church with the wrong attitude.
What can we do to make every Sunday special and the attending of church exciting? First, we need to go with the anticipation of meeting with God. Many times we do not go prepared. We need to bring our burdens and praises to Him and then see what He does in your life.
Secondly, go with the anticipation that you will learn something new about God. Expect to hear from God and expect to be encouraged by some truth you hear from God’s Word. And finally, go to fellowship with other believers. We need others in our Christian journey. Maybe an encouraging word from you or even a smile will affect someone who has come to church very discouraged. Ask God to make you a bright light to those around you and then ask Him to give you something new from His Word.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 100:4.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name.
Show me today along with my family the importance of taking the time to worship God in church. Prepare my heart each week as I attend that I may be ready to hear Your voice as well as being a blessing to those that worship with me.
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