June 20, 2010

Knowledge: June 17, 2010

Today's Word for Thursday June 17, 2010



Awareness of facts; truth or principles; what is known; a body of accumulated facts.


"You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:3


The vast amount of knowledge available in this day and age is mind-boggling. Our parents wanted us to get all of the knowledge available to us through what they taught us in our homes, what we could learn in Sunday school and church plus in our schools. Modern technology has greatly increased the available knowledge to people over the last 50 years. Our grandchildren are studying subjects that were not only unavailable to us but we never even heard about.

Also the tools of getting knowledge are so much more advanced. Having not grown up with computers, we find it amazing that through the internet we can have information on any subject we choose in just a matter of a few seconds of time. You can find quickly any event in history to the details of the makeup of an atom.

But how much does mankind really know in comparison with an all knowing God. It was Thomas Edison, the prolific inventor, who said that, "We do not know one-millionth part of one per cent about anything. We do not know what water is. We do not know what light is. We do not know what electricity is. We do not know what gravity is. We have a lot of hypotheses, but that is all."

Albert Einstein, a man that has been credited with superior knowledge in many areas said, "We know nothing about the world at all. Our knowledge is but the knowledge of a young school child."

This has been called the "information age" - an era of unprecedented increase in human knowledge. But it is still true that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Today because there is so much knowledge, there is a specialization of learning mentality. People spend much of their time learning a specific subject but unfortunately so many times they are unbalanced in every other area of their life.

People study and study filling their minds with all manner of knowledge yet they are dissatisfied and searching for more. Isaiah tells us why that is: "Their mind is not on the Lord and they have never put their trust in the Lord." (Isaiah 26:3) Isaiah also said that when our mind is stayed on the Lord we will not only have peace but perfect peace.

But God, who created this world and who created us, has all the knowledge and keeps the universe constantly under His control. YET - can you believe that He has time to hear our prayers and to care for each one of us. What a mighty God we serve.

The Bible predicts a vast increase in knowledge in the days before Christ returns for believers in the Rapture. Are you ready and prepared for that day? Everything we see happening around us including the increase of knowledge, points to the soon return of Jesus.

How are you taking advantage of the knowledge available to you about Jesus? We have available through the internet information on every spiritual subject you can think of. But if you have a question about your Salvation - look to the Bible, it has everything you need to know. Most believers lag behind the world in their ability to get knowledge. Together we must become more like Christ and have a desire to know more about Him.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 8:14

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.


I praise You today for Your knowledge and power. I thank You for all that You have done for me. May I get to know You better by spending more time talking to You in prayer and listening to You as I read the Bible daily. Fill my mind with knowledge from You and help me to put my trust in You to keep me in perfect peace.

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