June 20, 2010

Beginning: June 15, 2010

Today's Word for Tuesday June 15, 2010



A point of coming into existence; a starting point; commence; start; take the first step; origin; source.


"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." John 1:1


This world and everything in this world has a beginning. In the verse above from Genesis we read that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning God was there. In the verse from John above we read that Jesus (the Word) was also there in the beginning. Our triune God (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) have always existed from the beginning.

We all begin life here on this earth by being born. Birth is a process by which each of us has our beginning. God in His Word speaks of our need to be "born again." There are many people in this world that do not understand what it means to be "born again."

These words -"born again"- were spoken by Jesus when He was talking to Nicodemus. Although he was a devout Jewish Pharisee, he did not understand what being "born again" really meant. He asked how one can be born more than once. Jesus explained that the first birth is a birth of the flesh, but the second birth is the birth of the Spirit. Our first birth gives earthly life and our second birth gives us eternal life.

In order to be "born again" we must go through the process of realizing that we are sinners and ask God for forgiveness and then accept Jesus into our heart. By our first birth we all were born into this world as sinners because of the fall of Adam and Eve. God has provided a way for us to have a new beginning when we accept Jesus as our Savior.

In this life, here on this earth, when we have our "New Beginning" in our life with Jesus we will have many changes to deal with.

First, we must be ready to expect the unexpected. Your own plan for your life is limited because of who you are. You do not know the future or even what will happen later today. God has His own plan for your life and a new beginning. Your new life in Christ is unlimited because of who He is.

Secondly, we must be prepared to believe the unbelievable. The message of the gospel is the first unbelievable action that we must believe. Jesus did die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus was buried in a tomb. Jesus did rise from the dead and Jesus, as your risen Savior, wants a relationship with you so you can spend an eternity with Him.

Thirdly, in our new beginning with Jesus we must discover the undiscoverable. For example as one who puts his or her trust in Jesus you will discover that you can experience joy at the moment you are afraid. You can express worship to God at the moment you are most vulnerable to the evils around you in this world. And you can express purpose at the moment you are the most confused about any given situation that arises in your life.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 8:14

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.


Help me this day to be sure that I have experienced in my life a new beginning with Jesus. Help me to grow daily so I can expect the unexpected opportunities that You may bring to me, and help me to believe the unbelievable so that I can discover the undiscoverable things You have for me in my life.

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