May 30, 2010
Neglect: May 28, 2010
Today's Word for Friday May 28, 2010
Uncared for, disregard, fail in duty or performance through carelessness, negligence.
"Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." James 4:17
"How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?" Hebrews 2:3
Many times people we talk to justify neglect by excuses like, "I am too busy" or "later." In the work place today, many people neglect doing a job intentionally and again use excuses to justify their action. In the world we live in today, neglect is commonplace. Parents need to train their children, beginning at a young age, that just not doing something that they do not want to do is not acceptable. It is just plain neglect and done on purpose.
James says in the above verse that when we know that something is the right thing to do and we do not do it, it is a sin. This is called a sin of omission. It is as much of a sin as a sin of commission, like lying, stealing and committing adultery, in God's sight
The Bible has a lot to say about neglect as well. The verse we have put above from Hebrews is very relevant for today. Many people that we talk to these days keep turning down opportunities to accept Christ as their Savior. They always have excuses. Some simply say that they will accept Jesus later when they get older. Some just do not care even when they are told the consequences. It all boils down to where one wants to spend eternity. God has made it so clear in His Word that salvation is only available through the acceptance of His Son as their Savior. The verse above says, HOW SHALL WE ESCAPE IF WE NEGLECT SO GREAT A SALVATION?
There is no excuse in God's sight for neglect. One may only have one opportunity in life to accept God's salvation. We do not know what tomorrow holds. What we do know is that God will not accept any excuse or neglect.
In I Timothy 4:14 the apostle Paul exhorts Timothy and other believers not to neglect the gift that is in you, which was given you by God. We all have been given gifts that God expects us as believers to use for Him. But so many never use their gifts as God expects them to do so. Again, God will not accept excuses from us for not using our gifts as He directs us to use them.
It is up to us as parents to, first of all, teach our children about God and Jesus so they can have the opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior and not to neglect such a great salvation. Parents, also, must teach their children the difference between right and wrong. Children need to be taught so they know without any doubt what is good so that they understand that neglecting to do the right things in life is as much of a sin as doing the wrong thing.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 3:9.
"Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase."
Help me to be diligent in teaching my children about God and Jesus and how they can be saved. Help me to also teach them to do what is right and help me to be an example to them and to all that know me of never neglecting to do what I know is good and right no matter how busy or involved I am with other things.
Uncared for, disregard, fail in duty or performance through carelessness, negligence.
"Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." James 4:17
"How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?" Hebrews 2:3
Many times people we talk to justify neglect by excuses like, "I am too busy" or "later." In the work place today, many people neglect doing a job intentionally and again use excuses to justify their action. In the world we live in today, neglect is commonplace. Parents need to train their children, beginning at a young age, that just not doing something that they do not want to do is not acceptable. It is just plain neglect and done on purpose.
James says in the above verse that when we know that something is the right thing to do and we do not do it, it is a sin. This is called a sin of omission. It is as much of a sin as a sin of commission, like lying, stealing and committing adultery, in God's sight
The Bible has a lot to say about neglect as well. The verse we have put above from Hebrews is very relevant for today. Many people that we talk to these days keep turning down opportunities to accept Christ as their Savior. They always have excuses. Some simply say that they will accept Jesus later when they get older. Some just do not care even when they are told the consequences. It all boils down to where one wants to spend eternity. God has made it so clear in His Word that salvation is only available through the acceptance of His Son as their Savior. The verse above says, HOW SHALL WE ESCAPE IF WE NEGLECT SO GREAT A SALVATION?
There is no excuse in God's sight for neglect. One may only have one opportunity in life to accept God's salvation. We do not know what tomorrow holds. What we do know is that God will not accept any excuse or neglect.
In I Timothy 4:14 the apostle Paul exhorts Timothy and other believers not to neglect the gift that is in you, which was given you by God. We all have been given gifts that God expects us as believers to use for Him. But so many never use their gifts as God expects them to do so. Again, God will not accept excuses from us for not using our gifts as He directs us to use them.
It is up to us as parents to, first of all, teach our children about God and Jesus so they can have the opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior and not to neglect such a great salvation. Parents, also, must teach their children the difference between right and wrong. Children need to be taught so they know without any doubt what is good so that they understand that neglecting to do the right things in life is as much of a sin as doing the wrong thing.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 3:9.
"Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase."
Help me to be diligent in teaching my children about God and Jesus and how they can be saved. Help me to also teach them to do what is right and help me to be an example to them and to all that know me of never neglecting to do what I know is good and right no matter how busy or involved I am with other things.
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