May 30, 2010

Inquired: May 25, 2010

Today's Word for Tuesday May 25, 2010



A searching for direction or knowledge, ask about, investigation.


"And David inquired of the Lord." II Samuel 5:23


When David made this inquiry of the Lord, he had already achieved great victories. He had killed the giant Goliath with only a sling shot. He had defeated the Amalekites and the great hosts of Philistines. All the people were singing praises to David for his great victories saying, "Saul has slain his thousands and David his ten thousands." This all happened because God led David and went ahead of him to protect him. David knew it was the Lord's victory.

But now the Philistines came a second time and David would not go to fight without inquiring of the Lord first. Once he had been victorious he might have said as many others have said, I will again fight and I will be victorious again. He had the choice of either to believe that he had conquered once so he could conquer again or since he had won one battle by the strength of the Lord he would not venture on another until he had the same assurance from the Lord.

So as the scripture tells us, he inquired of the Lord. He asked God very simply, "Shall I go up against them again?" He then waited until God gave him an answer. We need to learn from David to not take even one step without asking for God's direction. As you walk down your path of life, take God as your compass. If you are steering your ship through treacherous waters, take God and put the steering wheel in the hands of God.

God promises us that He will instruct us and teach us in the ways we should go. The words once said of a Puritan were, "As sure as ever a Christian carves for himself, he will cut his own fingers." And another Puritan also said, "He that goes before the cloud of God's providence goes on a fool's errand." When we trust in ourselves alone we are doomed to fail.

As believers in God we need to learn to inquire of Him in all we do. It is so easy for us to rely on our own strength feeling we are invincible. But the times of failure will come your way unless you make it a practice to begin each day inquiring of God. Ask Him what you should do, how you should do it and then you can march out each day to face your challenges with confidence that God is with you and leading you in every step you take.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 3:9.

"Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase."


Thank You Lord for the example You have given us from the life of David. My prayer for today first is to always inquire of You the direction I should go and what You want from me. Secondly, when I receive a sign from You may I move forward with confidence, even in tough situations, knowing You are my God and with me every step of the way.

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