October 11, 2009
Trust: October 5, 2009
Defined by Webster:
Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability and surety of a person; hope; one upon which a person relies; God is my trust.
"Trust God from the bottom of your heart, do not try to figure everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go. He is the one that will keep you on track. Do not assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil!” Proverbs 3: 5-6 [Message Translation]
We must learn, as families, to trust God daily and not to rely on self. This is a difficult concept to teach our children in today's culture because we are living in a "ME" generation. Children, youth and adults today are being pressured by their peers to live a self reliant life driven by the idea that we should make our life decisions based on what "I" feel best to do.
For most families today there is no thought of relying on God and what God teaches in His word. They put their trust in what they hear from others, what they see on television and what they read on the internet. It is no wonder that our society is in the mess that it is in.
When a family relies on God in all they do, He will direct their paths each day. God is trustworthy and He is true to His Word! Each individual family member must grasp this concept and learn to trust God.
We have learned that one of the key ingredients in keeping a family together is trust. Our children are teaching their children today what we taught them some years ago. We are blessed to see our grandchildren living solid Christian lives and trusting God daily for direction and strength. God is trustworthy and we must prove ourselves trustworthy. Parents must trust their children and children must trust their parents and siblings. Remember, this works only if a family learns to first trust God to lead them in their lives.
When trust in God is preeminent in the day to day activities of a family and when a family is guided by the standards outlined in the Bible, that family will avoid some of the difficulties that cause dissension. Trusting in God is the glue that holds a family together for a lifetime.
Give us strength, dear Lord to live this day by trusting You in all that we do. May our trust in You keep us on track and may the joy of the Lord radiate through our lives to all we meet today. Help us to trust You for integrity, strength and assurance in whatever circumstances we encounter in our life this day, and help us to show ourselves trustworthy to others by our words and actions.
Defined by Webster:
Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability and surety of a person; hope; one upon which a person relies; God is my trust.
"Trust God from the bottom of your heart, do not try to figure everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go. He is the one that will keep you on track. Do not assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil!” Proverbs 3: 5-6 [Message Translation]
We must learn, as families, to trust God daily and not to rely on self. This is a difficult concept to teach our children in today's culture because we are living in a "ME" generation. Children, youth and adults today are being pressured by their peers to live a self reliant life driven by the idea that we should make our life decisions based on what "I" feel best to do.
For most families today there is no thought of relying on God and what God teaches in His word. They put their trust in what they hear from others, what they see on television and what they read on the internet. It is no wonder that our society is in the mess that it is in.
When a family relies on God in all they do, He will direct their paths each day. God is trustworthy and He is true to His Word! Each individual family member must grasp this concept and learn to trust God.
We have learned that one of the key ingredients in keeping a family together is trust. Our children are teaching their children today what we taught them some years ago. We are blessed to see our grandchildren living solid Christian lives and trusting God daily for direction and strength. God is trustworthy and we must prove ourselves trustworthy. Parents must trust their children and children must trust their parents and siblings. Remember, this works only if a family learns to first trust God to lead them in their lives.
When trust in God is preeminent in the day to day activities of a family and when a family is guided by the standards outlined in the Bible, that family will avoid some of the difficulties that cause dissension. Trusting in God is the glue that holds a family together for a lifetime.
Give us strength, dear Lord to live this day by trusting You in all that we do. May our trust in You keep us on track and may the joy of the Lord radiate through our lives to all we meet today. Help us to trust You for integrity, strength and assurance in whatever circumstances we encounter in our life this day, and help us to show ourselves trustworthy to others by our words and actions.
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