October 11, 2009
Caring: October 12, 2009
Defined by Webster:
A troubled state of mind; a cause of worry or concern to devote great care to ones work; protection; charge; to be concerned; to desire to make provision; to watch over.
“If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse then an unbeliever." I Timothy 5:8.
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27.
These scriptures remind us that we have a responsibility to care, both physically and spiritually, for those in our family. God’s word also instructs us of our responsibility to CARE for the orphans, the widows, the hungry, the poor and the needy.
God instructed the children of Israel under Moses, when they were wandering in the desert, that they were to take care of their families, and not only their families but also the widows, the fatherless and their neighbors. Caring for others does not come readily for most people. God does care about each one of us. After the children of Israel left Egypt, God saw that He would have to give laws to Moses so that Moses could teach them how to live peaceably with each other and to provide for each others needs.
It is God who works on us to care about others. Down through the years it has always been those who love God who have done the most to care for those who are lonely, hungry and needy and many times it is not an easy task. The closer you are to God, the more you will have a heart for others and caring for others will become more natural to you.
As those who love the Lord, loving and caring for others should be our major life's work and caring for those of our "own house" is our highest and holiest priority.
All of our lives we have had, what we consider to have been, a privilege to work with missions where we have been able to help CARE for the poor and needy. It began over 50 years ago when we were in Korea with the assignment to set up over 140 orphanages to take care of the "GI" babies after the Korean War. It continued then for us in later years as we cared for the children living in the slums and in refugee camps in Africa. We will never forget caring for over 10,000 children that we saw living on top of a massive garbage dump in the Philippians.
Our hearts were broken when we saw children in Honduras dying with cancer with no medical equipment or medicine in the country to help them. We could not help but to respond by getting them equipment and medicine to show that we cared for them. These few examples, we pray, will be enough to challenge you to care for someone you meet today that has a need, someone that needs your love and a word of encouragement, someone who is waiting for you to CARE for them.
Make this a special day for me by leading me to someone that needs to be cared for. Soften my heart and allow me to care as only You cared for this world that we live in. Thank You for the many blessings that You have given and continue to give my family. But for the grace of You, I realize that we could be one of Your children living in some remote part of our world that has never heard Your name. Thank You for who You are and I praise You for being my Lord and my Savior.
Defined by Webster:
A troubled state of mind; a cause of worry or concern to devote great care to ones work; protection; charge; to be concerned; to desire to make provision; to watch over.
“If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse then an unbeliever." I Timothy 5:8.
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27.
These scriptures remind us that we have a responsibility to care, both physically and spiritually, for those in our family. God’s word also instructs us of our responsibility to CARE for the orphans, the widows, the hungry, the poor and the needy.
God instructed the children of Israel under Moses, when they were wandering in the desert, that they were to take care of their families, and not only their families but also the widows, the fatherless and their neighbors. Caring for others does not come readily for most people. God does care about each one of us. After the children of Israel left Egypt, God saw that He would have to give laws to Moses so that Moses could teach them how to live peaceably with each other and to provide for each others needs.
It is God who works on us to care about others. Down through the years it has always been those who love God who have done the most to care for those who are lonely, hungry and needy and many times it is not an easy task. The closer you are to God, the more you will have a heart for others and caring for others will become more natural to you.
As those who love the Lord, loving and caring for others should be our major life's work and caring for those of our "own house" is our highest and holiest priority.
All of our lives we have had, what we consider to have been, a privilege to work with missions where we have been able to help CARE for the poor and needy. It began over 50 years ago when we were in Korea with the assignment to set up over 140 orphanages to take care of the "GI" babies after the Korean War. It continued then for us in later years as we cared for the children living in the slums and in refugee camps in Africa. We will never forget caring for over 10,000 children that we saw living on top of a massive garbage dump in the Philippians.
Our hearts were broken when we saw children in Honduras dying with cancer with no medical equipment or medicine in the country to help them. We could not help but to respond by getting them equipment and medicine to show that we cared for them. These few examples, we pray, will be enough to challenge you to care for someone you meet today that has a need, someone that needs your love and a word of encouragement, someone who is waiting for you to CARE for them.
Make this a special day for me by leading me to someone that needs to be cared for. Soften my heart and allow me to care as only You cared for this world that we live in. Thank You for the many blessings that You have given and continue to give my family. But for the grace of You, I realize that we could be one of Your children living in some remote part of our world that has never heard Your name. Thank You for who You are and I praise You for being my Lord and my Savior.
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