June 21, 2009

Intergrity: June 15, 2009



Defined by Webster:

Uncompromising adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty;


Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you noticed my friend Job? There is no one quite like him, honest and true to his word, totally devoted to God and hating evil? He still has a firm grip on his integrity. You tried to trick me into destroying him, but it did not work.” Job 2:3.

“The man of integrity walks securely, but he who walks crooked paths will be found out” Proverbs 10:9

“I have walked in my integrity, I have trusted the Lord.” Psalm 26:1

“The integrity of the upright will guide thee.” Proverbs 11:3.


It is very difficult today to find a person with integrity. We have heard some say that you can not be successful in life unless you cut corners somewhere. We have always felt and tried to practice being honest and forthright to all that we meet with daily. Being a person of integrity is one of the most important characteristics one can have in life. As it says in Proverbs 10:9, when we have integrity we can walk securely because we do not have to worry that we will be found out and our dishonesty will be revealed. When a person loses his or her integrity it is almost impossible to build it back.

Children today make their choices in life based on what they see their parents do. They can see when items come home from the office that is not their parents. They can see when a parent short changes a friend. If a parent compromises his or hers integrity, the first to see it is a child or a spouse. Children and parents today live in a “ME” generation where the end result is that if I benefit it is all right and they show no concern if it compromises their integrity.

The Bible gives us in the Old Testament the Ten Commandments. These were given to us so that we may know what God expects of us. When any of these commandments are broken, the integrity of the one that broke that commandment is in question. And that is where the Lord comes in as He needs to be an intimate part of our daily routine because God honors those that honor Him. Psalm 41:12 is a reminder to us that God rewards integrity. The Bible gives instance after instance of God’s blessing on the lives of people who serve the Lord with integrity. Look at the story of Job and be reminded how God protected Him because of his integrity through probably the most difficult series of testing that any one has gone through.

In Genesis 39, we are given an example of integrity as seen in the life of Joseph. Potiphar had put Joseph in charge of his house and all that he had. Then Joseph was approached by Pontiphar’s wife who put him in a compromising position. Joseph responded quickly and firmly by saying how could he sin against God and his master. He knew God’s standard and chose to stand for right. That is INTEGRITY!



Give me strength this day to live each moment with integrity. May my words and deeds honor you and I ask for your protection as I face temptations today. Bless my family and my world and give me opportunities to show my integrity to others so You can be seen through me today.

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