June 21, 2009

Character: June 18, 2009



Defined by Webster:

The features and traits that form the individual nature of a person; moral or ethical quality; honesty; fortitude; distinctive.


“Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.” Proverbs 20:11.

“But a generous man devises generous things and by generosity he shall stand.” Isaiah 32:8

“A good name is more desirable than great riches.” Proverbs 22:1


The other day we went to see one of our grandsons play baseball at his little league field. There were signs on all the screens protecting the spectators from foul balls. The signs all read: YOUR CHILDREN ARE WATCHING! What does this say about the character of parents today? These signs have been placed there to remind the adults to watch there language, eliminate their harsh criticism of umpires, coaches and even players. What has happened to our character today?

It is next to impossible today, humanly speaking, with all the pressures of our culture and society on a person, to live a life that is honest, exemplary and shows character. The Christian today has a responsibility to live the kind of life that shows good character in all he or she does. This can happen when one turns over to the Lord his life and then leans on the Lord totally.

The Apostle Paul encouraged the Christians at Galatia to be concerned about their character. Paul said that if our lives are controlled by the Holy Spirit, God will produce in us the characteristics of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. [Galatians 5:22-23] As you look at these character traits that Paul outlines in these verses, do you need to improve on any of them in your life?

Some of us need to show a little more gentleness and love to our family or possibly we need to show a little more kindness to a neighbor. Perhaps at the top of your list should be to spend more time in prayer and in reading Gods Word. It is not what you do, but it is who you are that is most important, but we become known by what we do. If you are a Christian and are of good character, it will be evident by your actions. It is our actions that give us a good name. Solomon with all his wealth said a good name is more to be desired than riches. Do your friends and family see you as a person of good character who stands for what is right every day?


I come to you dear God asking for the courage and strength to live a life today that shows a Christ honoring character in my life. May others see Christ through me? Help me to be an example to my family and to those I meet and talk to today.

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