To no longer possess; wasted; unable to find; gone astray; lacking eternal salvation; ruined physically or morally.
Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I lost. Luke 15:9.
The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10.
ne. One coin was equivalent to one day’s wages so it was important for this woman to find the lost coin.
The typical house in those days was one room with no windows. That is why Jesus said that she lit a lamp. This illustrated to those that listened to Jesus that the search for the coin was very thorough. The lamp would allow her to look in each and every corner of her house.
When the lost coin was found, the woman showed great joy.
The woman, in this parable, represents Jesus our Savior. The lost coin represents those who are lost because they are not saved. Jesus is expressing to those listening to Him that each one of us is of great value to Him. He grieves over everyone who is lost. So precious are we to Jesus that He diligently searches for all who are lost. The scriptures tell us that Jesus came into the world to seek and to save all the lost.
Have you ever had the experience of losing something of value and you search and search and cannot find the item? What a relief it is when you finally do find it. Your normal response is joy. This is like the joy that this woman had when she found her lost coin.
When the woman in this parable found her coin she went out and called out to her friends, “Rejoice with me for I have found the coin which I lost.”
People are of great value to God. Those that do not know Him are lost in their sins. God loved us so much that He did not want anyone to be lost so He gave His only Son Jesus to pay the ultimate price by dying on the cross for our redemption. When just one person, a sinner in God’s sight, finds Jesus, the angels shout for joy in heaven. (Luke 15:10)
Do you know people who are lost and have never accepted Jesus as their Savior? If so, do you show any concern for them? As believers we should want to make sure that every person we know gets an opportunity to know about Jesus and that He paid the penalty for their sins. When that person finds Jesus we will rejoice with them along with the angels in heaven.
When someone is spiritually lost in order for them to be found they must first admit that they are lost. Our mission as believers is to shout out to all the good news of the gospel and then pray that God would touch the heart of all who hear and listen.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 23:1.
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
Help me to reach out to my family, neighbors and friends that do not know You to tell them that You have come to seek and to save those that are lost. Burden my heart for a world that is lost in sin and give me courage to communicate Your love to others.
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