Having little or no knowledge; unlearned; uninformed; unaware.
Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character. Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God. I say this to your shame. I Corinthians 15: 34-35.
As sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5:21.
It is hard for us to realize how ignorant people are concerning God and the part He plays in our lives. So many people today say that they firmly believe that God is not needed in their lives that they are very capable of living a successful life based on their own abilities.
Do you realize that man hungers for food and God sends the sun and rain on the fields of grain? The grain is then made into flour, the flour into bread and man’s hunger is satisfied.
Man hungers for love and it is God that ignites the fire of affection in another heart and the two hearts are made complete in the bonds of matrimony. These two illustrations are only two of many to illustrate how God is involved in all we do in life.
The apostle Paul in his writing to the Romans deals with a concern that seemed to be confusing believers in the church at Rome. They did not grasp the fact that the gospel is not an abstract belief unconnected to their everyday life. It is not enough to know about Jesus. We must let Him impact every area of our life.
Basically, Paul is saying that ignorance, in God’s sight, does not give one an excuse for not knowing God just as ignorance does not eliminate God from the details of your life physically and spiritually. God is real whether we believe it or not. We are all sinners whether we believe this or not.
In Romans 5:12-21, Paul sets out to show us how one man’s, Jesus, death can provide salvation for many not from a specific sin but the inherited sin that entered the human realm. Man are born sinners by nature. To prove His point He uses Adam to establish the principle that it is possible for one man’s actions to affect many people. Before Adam sinned, there was no death. As a result of the sin of Adam we are all born with a sin nature and we must all die.
In his letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul addresses the issue of ignorance or better translated, a lack of understanding. Roman law was considered at that time to be the source of the idea that ignorance of the law excuses a person from obeying the law. Since people were ignorant of God’s righteousness, Paul wrote in Romans 10:3 that they established their own ideas and did not submit to God’s righteousness. God is holy and without sin. Our sin separates us from God.
When we live according to our own standards of right and wrong, we might feel good about ourselves for a period of time, but that does not make us spiritually healthy. Only when we are measured by God’s standard of righteousness, which is Jesus, do we know the condition of our spiritual health.
When some people become physically sick they avoid going to the doctor because they do not want to hear that something is wrong with them. Some people avoid going to church for the same reason. They know they are spiritually sick but do not want to hear that they are doing wrong. Ignorance of our sickness doesn’t make us healthy and ignorance of our sin doesn’t make us innocent.
None of us can achieve the righteousness of Christ, but thankfully we do not have to. In Romans 5:21 (above) Paul tells us that sin leads to certain death, but Jesus has given us His righteousness that leads to eternal life. The good news about finding out what is wrong with us is that the Great Physician can make us well.
In obedience to His Heavenly Father, Jesus bore all of our sins in His own body on the cross so that by His wounds we have been healed, I Peter 2:25.
God has made known to us His great gift of salvation so that we cannot claim ignorance as an excuse for remaining in sin. None of us have a valid excuse to continue to refuse to acknowledge God as our creator and Jesus as our Redeemer.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:13.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Thank You that You have made it known to us, and the world, that You are the one and only true God and that You are alive and have prepared a place for us in heaven to spend all eternity with You. Thank You that You are not willing that any should perish but instead that all should have eternal life with You.
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