April 7, 2017

Rescuer: April 7, 2017



To save from danger or harm.

He has rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:13-14.


Today we share some thoughts on the third word on which we can discover another unique characteristic of Jesus Christ.

What is it that makes Jesus unique. Last Wednesday we shared some thoughts on the first characteristic that makes Jesus unique -- the revealer of the invisible God. And then yesterday we discussed the second characteristic that makes Jesus unique -- our reconciler to God.

And today, the third characteristic that makes Jesus unique -- He alone is our rescuer from death. Job asked probably the most often asked question that ever was asked in Job 14:14, “If a man dies, will he live again?”

The Bible tells us that death is the consequence of sin. Ezekiel 18:20 says, “The person who sins will die.” Paul tells us in Romans 3:23, “All have sinned.” And in Romans 6:23, “the wages of sin is death.” The reason Jesus came to this earth and died on the cross was not just to save us from paying the penalty of our sins but to rescue us from eternal death and give us eternal life.

Someone once wrote that the life of Christ is bracketed by two impossibilities: a virgin’s womb and an empty tomb. The Bible tells us that one day all of us who are related to Jesus by faith as a child of God will exit the tomb because Jesus is our rescuer from death.

Take a moment to read the verse we have written above from Colossians. The apostle Paul in this verse is reminding us that all of us who are related to Him, JESUS, by faith will also be delivered from the consequences of sin and death.

This is a promise made by God that awaits every believer. Jesus did not come to this earth to make bad people good. Jesus came to make dead people live. This is why we can say that Jesus is our rescuer from death.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 8:28.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.


Thank You that You are our rescuer from death. Thank You that You died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. Thank You for going to heaven to prepare a place for me and those I love who know You as their Savior a home for eternity.

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