A state of well-being and contentment; the quality or state of being delighted, pleased or glad.
And whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he. Proverbs 16:20.
Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding. Proverbs 3:13
But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he.Proverbs 14:21
But happy is he who keeps the law.
Proverbs 29:18
A happy heart makes the face cheerful. Proverbs 15:13.
It seems that what people desire most in life is happiness. However, most people do not know what will make them happy. They spend a lifetime looking for happiness but they look in all the wrong places. They seek happiness in worldly pleasure, obtaining wealth, possessions, popularity or success. They feel they would really be happy if they just had a nicer house, a new car, or more money.
True happiness should bring a feeling of contentment and satisfaction. People think they will be happy when they get their hearts desire only to find the happiness does not last. The smell of a new car soon fades and once again the satisfaction it brought is gone.
All too soon the house needs repair and redecorating. What they thought would make them happy they are no longer content with. When happiness is based on getting what we desire, it is only temporary.
Everyone has things going on in their lives that can be real downers and it is easy to let the bad things that happen get us down. If we focus only on the down things of life it will make us cranky and unhappy. Happy people do not have it any better than anyone else but they focus on the good things in life. Everyone has bad days with seemingly bad things happening to them, but everyone has something to be thankful for so it really depends on that you focus on.
Solomon was renowned for his wisdom and riches. In his last days, he looked back on his life and all his accomplishments and all of his wealth. He summed it all up and said, “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless! (Ecclesiastics 1:2). He recognized that nothing apart from God made him happy.
A life without God results in a futile search for happiness. Without God the difficulties in life will overwhelm us. Look at the verses we have listed above from Proverbs. These verses are a short outline of the key to happiness that sets apart a happy person from an unhappy one.
Happy is the man or woman who trusts in the Lord, keeps the law (God’s commandments), has mercy on the poor and who finds wisdom and gains understanding that comes from God’s Word. We need to notice where the focus is in these verses. It is on our relationship with God.
Where there is no knowledge of God and His laws, violence and evil runs rampant. The happiness that comes from knowing God brings true contentment and satisfaction that lasts.
The starting point to find happiness is to trust in the Lord. Whether the non- believer understands it or not, there is a void in everyone’s life that only God can fill. People search in all the wrong places and try the wrong things attempting to fill that void. Knowing your sins are forgiven and that you are saved from the penalty of your sins brings peace and contentment which in turn brings happiness to life.
Happiness comes to our lives when we are faithful in studying God’s Word. This gives us wisdom, understanding and knowledge of how we are to live our lives in obedience to what God’s Word teaches us. This keeps us from sinful things that will only lead to a life of pain and suffering and separation from God.
True happiness is not based on circumstances. True happiness is based on our relationship with God. Our relationship with God that comes through the saving grace of Jesus Christ is not just for our lifetime here on earth but for all eternity. Without the peace that comes from knowing where you will spend eternity you cannot know real happiness.
You can have that peace today by accepting Jesus as your Savior and have real happiness that lasts for all eternity.
Our memory verse for this week is found in I John 1:9.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Thank You Lord for the true happiness that I have in my heart because I know You as my Savior. Help me not to let the pressures and events of this day destroy the happiness that You have given me and my family. Thank You for my salvation and the assurance of spending an eternity with You.
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