Throughout all time; uninterrupted; forever; without exception; on every occasion.
I am with you always. Matthew 28:20
The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers. Psalm 24:1-2.
Often, we say the word always but do not think what we are saying. Always infers that it always was back in time and it always will be. Frankly, there are very few “always” in life. We want to share with you several “always” that are of great significance.
Only God always is all knowing, all powerful, all caring, always present and always eternal. There is none other available to us at all times. He is always there for us and always can solve any situation or problem we may face.
The scripture also reminds us that, “Obedience always brings blessings.” What is blessing you may ask? A blessing is divine favor received from God because we have glorified His name.
Noah obeyed God and God blessed him, his family and a world that followed. Obedience to God saved Noah and his family from the flood.
Joshua obeyed God and marched the Children of Israel around Jericho for seven days. God blessed Joshua because of his obedience and the walls of Jericho fell to the ground and it was conquered.
The same can be said about Moses, Abraham, David, Paul and Peter. Because each one obeyed God, He brought blessing to them in monumental ways. Only God can always reward obedience with a blessing.
God sometimes will tell us to do something that in our mind is totally unreasonable from our perspective. We need to listen carefully, read His Word and pray diligently to make sure we understand that it is God talking to us and that we clearly know the direction He wants us to go. Then we must do it. We can be sure that God always has a purpose and a plan when He leads us to do something for Him.
How do you think Noah, Joshua, Moses and Paul felt down deep inside when they received a direction from God that was unreasonable? God asked each of them to do what seemed to be impossible. From a human perspective, they must have thought, “God, You can’t be serious?” Nevertheless, they did just as God instructed them to do, God, who is always faithful and always keeps His word, gave them all victories and success, and blessed them for their obedience. We cannot begin to imagine how great their award will be in heaven. God always brought victory and blessing to them.
Remember obedience is a Biblical principle that God has set down for us. For all who believe in Him, obedience to God is not an option.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Joshua 24:15.
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Thank You that You are always there for me and my family. I am grateful that whether it is a time of need or a time that we just need to talk, that You are there for me. Help me to be obedient to Your direction for my life. Open my eyes and ears so I can see and hear what You desire for me and my family to do.
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