November 15, 2016

Blind: November 15, 2016


Unable to see; lacking the sense of sight; something that obstructs vision; to lack spiritual discernment.

He replied, “I do not know whether he is a sinner. I do know one thing, that although I was blind, now I can see. John 9:25.


Our dear friend, Dr. Billy Graham, years ago was trying to explain to a group of Rotary club members the joy that he experienced by following Christ. He was trying to communicate the thrill, the excitement, the exhilaration knowing where he came from and where he was going. He was trying to explain that there was a real reason for him to exist every day and it was not the pleasures and things of the world.

At the end of his talk to the club he asked if anyone had any questions. One man stated very clearly to Dr. Graham that he just could not see what he was explaining. Dr. Graham responded: I have found Jesus and every morning as I study the scriptures and walk with my Lord, I have excitement and joy.

And you tell me that you cannot see that. Of course, you can’t. You see you are blind. Try to explain television to a blind man. He can understand a little but it just does not make sense. Try to explain a sunset to him. He is blind to it.

In order to see and understand what I am talking about the scales must be removed from your eyes and only Christ can do that. He can remove them right now and you can start living and seeing a whole new world that you never knew existed just like I did years ago. God will do great things for you if you let Him open your spiritual eyes.

We ask you today, are you experiencing the joy and excitement of knowing Jesus as your Savior? If you have not experienced the things that we have talked about --- joy, happiness and peace --- then you are spiritually blind. Satan blinds the eyes of unbelievers to God’s truth. Ask Jesus today to open your eyes today to the truth of God’s Word and ask Jesus into your heart and watch God work in your life.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 1:29.

For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake.


I thank You for the power of Your Holy Spirit who is at work in this world to give sight to the spiritually blind eyes of each person who seeks to know You.

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