An obstruction or hindrance; something that interferes with action or progress and must be removed or overcome.
Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel: None went out, and none came in. Joshua 6:1.
The Lord has a plan for the life of every believer and Satan does all he can to put obstacles in the path of God’s plans for one who believes in our Lord. There are many different kinds of obstacles. It could be a difficult boss at work, a contrary family member, or even financial concerns. Anything that blocks a desired goal can cause anxiety and frustration and that becomes an obstacle. But one needs to remember that no obstacle that Satan puts in front of you can touch you or be a concern to you without the consent of God. And there is no obstacle that God cannot overcome.
In the verse above we are reminded about Joshua and the city of Jericho. The strong fortress around the city of Jericho barred Israel’s entrance into the land that God had promised to give Abraham and his descendants. Jericho was one of the oldest cities in the world and it was regarded as the epitome of power and strength.
Jericho was considered invincible because of its fortified walls and military power. It stood before Joshua and the Israelites as a towering obstacle between them and the Promised Land.
Satan will always be seeking to put up obstacles (fortresses) to hinder our spiritual progress just like he did to Joshua and the Children of Israel. He never gives up. If one obstacle fails Satan will put up another one very fast. The conquest of Jericho seemed impossible to Israel but not to God, even though Joshua’s army was no match to Jericho’s military might and the 25 foot high and 20 foot thick wall was an impossible barrier to cross.
God had promised the Israelites the land and Joshua believed that God would provide a way for them to get there, BECAUSE GOD KEEPS ALL OF HIS PROMISES!
Before attempting to conquer Jericho, Joshua led the Israelites to prepare themselves spiritually. They renewed their commitment to God and they celebrated the Passover with thankfulness for God’s miracles that made possible their escape from Egypt and the crossing of the Jordan River into the Promised Land. Joshua did not let what seemed an impossible obstacle deter him but instead, he acknowledged God’s power and sought His guidance.
Before Joshua even realized that God was at work, God was preparing the city for destruction by instilling fear into the hearts of the kings and the people of Jericho because of the Israelites. God’s directions to the Children of Israel seemed complicated and as an unlikely battle plan, but Joshua obeyed and God’s people triumphed. No obstacle is too great for God, for with God all things are possible.
The apostle Paul understood how to handle obstacles in his life. When he was in prison he kept his eyes and trust on Christ. Even while facing death his days in prison were filled with joy in the Lord. He wrote the book of Philippians from his jail cell and it is full of expressions of joy.
We can overcome every obstacle we face in our lives by focusing on Jesus. This is neither a natural reaction nor an easy one for us. Our instinct is to dwell on the obstacle and not on Jesus. We search for our own solutions and then stew over the pain and difficulty we are facing. Fear and defeat cannot last long in the heart of one who truly has his or her trust in the Lord.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 14:12.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
Help me to put my complete trust in You today so I can face the obstacles of life with confidence that You can make me victorious through every situation. Strengthen my faith today that Your glory will shine through me to others so that I may be a help to those who may be facing obstacles in their lives.
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