December 28, 2015

Integrity: December 28, 2015




Uncompromising adherence to moral principles; honesty; moral uprightness.


Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? He who walks uprightly and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart. Psalm 15:1-2.


As far back as we can remember our parents told us the importance of integrity in our lives. Next to our faith in Jesus Christ, nothing has been more important than making sure we were clear, concise and honest to others in all of our actions, both words and deeds. Once anyone loses their integrity it is very hard to get it back. In the eyes of others we become regarded as untrustworthy. A reputation for being honest is worth far more than anything gained by compromising one’s integrity.

We taught our children that integrity is one of the most important traits, if not the most important trait one can have.

The Lord throughout scripture teaches believers in Him to live a morally and upright life. Even among believers it is difficult to find people with uncompromising integrity because Satan, many times tempts people to lie, cheat and flatter and they fall victims to his temptations because they feel they can get what they want even though it is by deception.

In Psalms 15 (above) David describes the life of integrity that believers are to cultivate in just five verses. He tells us to:

•    Walk uprightly so that you are blameless.
•    Do what is right at all times.
•    Speak the truth and be honest.
•    Treat your neighbor kindly.
•    Be accountable for your actions.
•    Honor those that love the Lord.
•    Do not be greedy for money.
•    Keep your promises even when it hurts.
•    Do not accept bribes.

God wants us to daily increase our pursuit of truthfulness, righteousness and honesty. In Mark 8:34, Jesus commands us to deny ourselves and follow Him. Total commitment to Jesus will give us all we need to stand against any temptations Satan throws our way.

When we learn and practice these principles that are outlined above, we will be living a life of integrity.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 119:11.

I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.


Help us to remember and recognize that we live in a culture that approves of ungodly values and behaviors. May Your Holy Spirit open our eyes and make us alert to recognize right from wrong so that we may live a life of integrity bringing honor and glory to You.

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