Inerrancy as it relates to God’s Word means free of mistakes. In this context the Bible is also infallible and inspired.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. II Timothy 3:16.
The law of the Lord is perfect, the testimony of the Lord is sure, the precepts of the Lord are right; the commandment of the Lord is pure. Psalm 19:7-8.
For over eighteen centuries most Christians accepted the Scriptures as the Holy Bible and believed it to be God’s revealed message to all mankind. They believed that the Bible was free of mistakes and it could not be wrong on any subject and that the words came directly from God through chosen prophets.
Evangelical Christians today believe that God spoke to men through the Holy Spirit as it reads in II Peter 20-21: “No prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of men, but Holy men of God through chosen prophets spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”
The meaning of Peter’s statement that the scriptures were not of any private interpretation is that scripture did not originate on its own, nor did it come from the minds of men. The Bible is God’s Words not men’s words.
In the verse above the Psalmist declares that God’s Word is perfect, sure, right and pure. God’s Word thus is inerrant, infallible and inspired as it was originally written. God does not lie nor does He err.
But now over the last two centuries men and women have risen up to attack the inerrancy of the Bible. They have rejected the creation account, the miracles of Jesus, the deity of Jesus and many other great and eternal truths found in the Bible. This began in graduate institutions of learning and today is fully accepted in our public school systems.
How can people living today who never met Jesus or saw Him know better than those that were with Him daily? People can develop their own opinions but their opinions are not necessarily based on facts.
The fact is that God’s Word never changes but people do change. People are fallible and their opinions are easily influenced. People today seem to have a hard time accepting what seems to be impossible, like Noah and the Ark and the flood, and Jonah and the whale.
Jesus, nor any of the Bible writers, ever questioned a single passage of scripture. Jesus and Peter both affirmed that Noah was a real person and that the flood was a historical event (Matthew 24:37-39 and II Peter 2:5). Jesus also affirmed that Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of the whale (Matthew 12:40).
Unbelievers just do not understand that with God all things are possible and we cannot limit God by our minute thinking and our limited wisdom and power.
Our memory verse for this week is found in I Thessalonians 5:17.
Pray continually.
Thank You, Lord, for giving me Your Holy Bible that I can use daily as my guide book for living. May I never question the accuracy of the scriptures and may I allow the power of Your infallible Word correct me and instruct me in righteousness.
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