To submit to authority; to follow orders; to comply with instructions or commands.
Now if you obey Me fully and keep My covenant, then out of all nations you will be My treasured possession, although the whole earth is mine. Exodus 19:5.
Obedience can be a challenge especially when we feel tempted to do what we know is contrary to the will of God. When God commands us to obey Him, He is giving us a principle by which to live. He is setting a framework around our lives that forms a hedge of protection from evil.
When we choose to obey God His promises of blessing for obedience far outweigh any possible consequences. He asks us to submit ourselves to Him and leave whatever happens up to Him. When we obey God He pulls us closer to Himself and teaches us more about His precepts and His love.
There are 7 principles that will enable us to obey God with confidence and joy. Remember He can be fully trusted to keep the promises of Exodus 19:5 (above) because God keeps all of His promises.
First of all, we must earn to trust God with our life and with all that concerns us. You will never go wrong when you put your hope and trust in God. He will always lead you in the best way possible.
Second, always wait upon the Lord for an answer to your problem or situation. You need to refuse to move ahead unless you know that God is leading you.
Third, we must meditate on God’s Word. By saturating your mind with God’s Word, you will look at situations from God’s viewpoint. You will know right from wrong and will allow God’s convicting power to guide you.
Fourth, we must always listen to the Holy Spirit. God speaks to us through the reading of His Word and the Holy Spirit. We become sensitive to the Holy Spirit by spending time with Him reading God’s Word and praying.
Fifth, we need to be willing to wait or walk away when the way before you is unclear. Always remain firm. If you do not feel or sense a clear guidance from the Lord, ask God to confirm your feelings through the reading of His Word. He will never contradict scripture and His will for your life will always line up perfectly with what the Bible says.
Sixth, be willing to endure some conflict. We will face strong opposition because God at times allows trouble and conflict in our lives in order to show us our need to totally depend on Him.
Finally, we need to leave all the consequences we may face to God. We need to be prepared to face criticism from others, and fierce obstacles and opposition, but God will enable us to endure it. Obedience always puts us in a favorable position with God. It is obedience that brings His blessings into our life and makes us His treasured possession.
Stay on the path of obedience and leave the rest to God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in James 4:7.
Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Thank You for the assurance You give when we believe that obedience to You will always put us in a favorable position with You. Keep my life on a straight and narrow path of obedience, to honor You, and to listen for Your direction in every area of my life.
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