To regard with approval; goodwill; esteem; backing; kindness.
God looked for favor on Abel and his offering. Genesis 4: 4b
But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 6:8.
Moses said to the Lord -- You have said, “I know you by name and you have found favor with me.”
Exodus 33:12.
And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52.
What does it mean to have favor with God? It is to do what pleases Him. There are four men that the Bible specifically cites as having favor with God. They are Abel, Noah, Moses and Jesus. What is significant about these four is their obedience to God. Obedience to God is what allows us to have favor with God.
Abel, Noah and Moses were not perfect but they were obedient to God and yielded and committed to His will.
Jesus alone is perfect and without sin. He comes into this world giving up His heavenly glory to come as a man specifically to do the will of God, His Father, which was to suffer and die on the cross to save us from our sins.
Certainly these four are not the only ones who found favor with God. In the Bible we read of many who would have been regarded by God with favor because they kept and obeyed God’s commandments.
Finding favor with God is not limited to those in the Bible. We learn from Leviticus 26: 3, 9 that God said, “If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey My commandments -- I will look on you with favor.”
Noah was not perfect but he pleased God because he loved God and was obedient to God. The scripture tells us that Noah walked with God, listened to Him, and obeyed Him daily. God will respond positively to us when we walk closely with Him by reading His Word daily, communicate with Him in prayer and listen carefully to His Holy Spirit.
Moses, despite initial protests, chose to obey God and accept the divine call from Him and live the way God wanted him to live. The Lord will always favor followers who favor His ways over theirs. As Moses did, God expects us to think about our lives in terms of pleasing Him.
The Apostle Paul after his conversion lived with the single-minded focus of serving Jesus. He sought always to please the Lord by means of inward and outward obedience. The Lord favors those whose hearts are bent toward Him, as Paul’s was, to serve Him no matter what the cost. Paul willingly gave up all he had to serve the Lord and preach the gospel.
It was not only men in the Bible who found favor with God. Women also found favor with God. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was one who responded with trust and did not doubt when the angels announced that she would give birth to the Messiah. God blesses those who choose to believe even when the circumstances make it difficult to believe.
We will find favor with God through believing minds, responsive hearts, and an obedient spirit.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 11:6.
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
Help us to be obedient to Your commandments so that we may receive Your favor in all that we do. May Your Holy Spirit guide us daily to do what Your will is for us and not our own. Thank You for the Salvation You gave us and the many daily blessings that You favor us with when we put our complete trust in You.
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