To disturb the mental calm and contentment of; worry; distress; to annoy, vex, or bother; to disturb or agitate.
Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. Hebrews 13:5.
The genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it be tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. I Peter 1:7.
Our natural reaction to times of trouble is to find a way out, but as believers we need to understand that God sometimes has something far more important in mind than our immediate release from the trouble we are facing.
When trouble comes our way we need to learn not to focus on escape but to focus on what we can learn from the difficult or painful experience. We must ask what God is trying to teach us. Trials and trouble require wisdom because each one brings with it a choice.
In the verse we have put above from I Peter, Peter was talking to people in the church who were facing persecution because of their love for Christ. He encouraged them by reminding them that what was of upmost importance to them was the imperishable inheritance they would receive in Heaven. Because of their salvation and future hope they could rejoice in the midst of their trials or trouble.
If pain and difficulty comes our way we need to turn to God for wisdom. There are 4 questions we need to ask ourselves. What is the right thing to do in light of my past experiences? What is the right thing to do in light of my present state? What is the right thing to do in light of my future goals and dreams? What would God have me to do in light of His Word?
We may be tempted to blame others. The only way to solve our problems is to face them and seek the right solution. A wrong solution is worse than no solution. When the going gets tough we need to learn not to walk away. We need to ask ourselves these 4 questions (above) and then seek the Lord’s guidance through prayer.
When our situations seem hopeless and we recognize we are hopeless and we turn to God for a solution that is when God can begin His work in us. What is impossible with us is possible with God. Jesus said in Luke 18:27: “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 31:7.
I will rejoice and be glad in Your loving kindness, because You have seen my affliction; You have known the troubles of my soul.
Help me to learn when I face trouble in my life to first find out what God wants to teach me through the trial. Help me to search the scriptures to see what God is telling me about my trouble. Help me to rejoice in what You are doing for me in the hard times I might be facing.
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