October 5, 2014

Success: October 2, 2014




A person or thing that prospers; the favorable accomplishment of what was attempted to achieve a favorable outcome.


This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8.


In the verse above God has given us the key as to how we as believers can have success in our lives. First, it refers to the Book of the Law. This is God’s Word and we must read it and study it daily so that we may know it. But it is not enough just to know His Word. We must observe it and apply it to our life so that what we say and what we do is based on the words and lessons we have learned from God’s Word. We need to notice that Joshua writes that we need to meditate on God’s Word day and night. God’s Word should always be on our mind.

The end result of following God’s instruction is that “then you will have good success.” You will not have just “success” but “good success.” It is only through our obedience to God’s Word that we will have success as God defines success for our lives.

We have learned as we have talked to people down through the years that success is influenced by what you want success to be. The story is told about a clergyman who had a very good friend who was an actor. The clergyman wanted success to be found in his ministry in his church. The actor wanted success to be in the reaction of the crowds to his acting.

One day, late in life, the clergyman asked the actor why it was that the actor was drawing large crowds to his performances and my audiences in my church are so small.

The actors response was quite simple but good for us to understand today. “I present my fiction as though it is truth; you present your truth as though it were fiction.” 

Several thoughts come to our mind that will help us as believers have success in our lives as God wants us to have. We might call this TEN WAYS TO HAVE GOOD SUCCESS!

First, we must always take responsibility for our actions.

Second, we must be willing to work for what we want in life. It will not just come to us on a golden platter. God expects us to make good use of our time on earth.

Three, do not waste your time fighting for something you cannot change.

Four, admit it when you are wrong and pay the consequences. A successful person will always admit wrong when they are wrong and God always honors that decision.

Five, do not nurse a grudge and refuse to accept forgiveness or to ask for forgiveness. Holding grudges with people will always hinder you in being successful.

Six, always be generous to those in need. So many people today show no generosity but only think of themselves. God will honor those with success that are generous to those in need.

Seven, let your mouth always be used to give a word of kindness. Always being kind to others always is honored by God and appreciated so much by the one you showed kindness to.

Eight, refuse to wallow in self pity. When you are wronged or something does not go your way look at the bright side and move on with a positive attitude.

Nine, always be willing to listen. You need to put aside your own agenda when you are talking to people and really listen to what they are saying. God will honor you with success when you listen to others and show concern for their need and seek to help them, even if it is only a word of encouragement.

Finally, learn to be a peacemaker. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” God keeps His promises and He will bless you beyond anything you could ever imagine.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:33.

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.


Help me to desire only to be successful from Your perspective and not from mine. Instruct me from Your Word, as I study it, so that I may be a successful disciple for You. Enable me to exemplify You in all that I do.

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