September 7, 2014

Distracted: September 3, 2014




The state of being unfocused because of something else that takes our attention; mentally distressed.


But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to Him and asked, “Lord, don’t You care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me.” Luke 10:40.


Jesus was visiting with Mary and Martha (the verse above) and there was much to do to prepare the meal for “their Master.”  The word “distracted” used here was translated --- dragging all around or pulled apart. The expression implies that Martha was in a tumult with all the preparations to be done. She was fussing about the details that for Mary and Jesus were unnecessarily elaborate. Jesus wanted time with both women but Martha was distracted by unnecessary details.

How many times have unnecessary details taken valuable time away from you spending time with the Lord? Do you set a time each day to read the Bible and pray and studying the Word and then situations come up that take you away from this time? 

In Nehemiah chapters one and two we read about Nehemiah being troubled about the condition of his city, Jerusalem. He was the cupbearer to the king and with the king’s permission he went out to rebuild the city for his people the Israelites. He encountered obstacles but refused to be distracted from the task. He set an example for all of us today.

First, Nehemiah was in the center of God’s will. When Nehemiah cried out to God for help as to how to rebuild the Lord showed him exactly what to do. God also caused the king to be favorably disposed toward the rebuilding and even provided to Nehemiah all the materials that was needed to accomplish the task.

Secondly, Nehemiah knew that the Lord’s priority for him was to rebuild the city. Nehemiah never wavered from his goal. God has planned for us, just as he planned for Nehemiah, things of great value to Him for us to do. We are not to underestimate our part in what God wants to do through us.

Thirdly, following every crises, Nehemiah returned to accomplish the task he set out to do. He had to deal with opposition and threats of warfare from the enemy of the Jews, and with fear and conflict among his own workers. These were difficult problems but Nehemiah did not let any of them distract Him from what God had called Him to do.

Finally, Nehemiah took time to identify each distraction he faced. When we are interrupted, have our attention diverted, or receive a personal attack it is not of God. Distractions originate outside of ourselves and with our Father’s help we will learn who to heed and who to ignore.

Do not let the distractions of life get you off course. Things like gossip, criticism, personal desires, and praise from others toward us will turn us away from God’s perfect plan for our lives. We need to be single-minded focusing all of our thoughts on our Lord.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I Peter 5:7.

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.


Help me to recognize daily who to heed and who to ignore in life. Help me to follow Your example, as did Nehemiah, so You can achieve great things in and through me.

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