May 11, 2014

Time: May 6, 2014




An interval; duration; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another; duration regarded as an aspect of the present life as distinct from life to come, eternity; the period necessary to be occupied by something.


You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. James 4:14.

Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heeds the words that are written in it; for the time is near. Revelation 1:3


Nothing takes God by surprise. God has a time plan for everything and every person and wants you in that plan.

The devil also has a time plan for us and each of us have to decide which plan we are going to fit into. The devil is no joke even though some people think so. Students in Universities today want to know more about the devil because they are being deluded by evil issues. Satan is the father of lies and the greatest liar of all time. He is a deceiver and blinds people to their need of Christ.

These are the two forces at work in the world today, the forces of Christ and the forces of the devil. Each one of us has the responsibility to choose, but we do not know how long we have to make our choice. We like to think that we have lots of time but the reality is, at any time our next breath may be our last one. James 4:14.

In the book of Revelation John writes of the vision of things to come that God gave to him. John says the “time is near’ and warns us to be ready at all times for the last Judgment and Jesus return to establish His kingdom. We do not know when this event will occur but we must be ready if we want to spend eternity in Heaven because there will be no more time to change our mind.


If you choose to serve Christ how much time are you committing to serve Him. Let us share with you some interesting facts on how the statisticians say most people spend their time.

The scriptures tell us that God allows us 70 years of life on this earth, some live less and some live longer. The first 15 years are spent in childhood and early adolescence and should be a time of learning.

Twenty years are spent sleeping and for most people the last 5 years is when physical limitations curtail our activities.

Most people take about 15 years for meals and meeting our financial responsibilities. About 7 years are spent reading books, watching television or going to the movies.


We have eight years to invest for God by doing His work. Eight years doing creative things to honor Him and sharing the good news of the gospel to those around us. YES --- Time is short. How do you spend your time?


Our memory verse for this week is the ninth commandment found in Exodus 20:16.

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.


Prepare my heart and the hearts of each member of my family to desire to make our time count for You. Give us the confidence that You are with us and with Your help we can make our time productive for Your glory.

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