April 27, 2014
Cares: April 23, 2014
Protects; provides; has affection, loves and shows concern for.
Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. I Peter 5:7.
In today’s world very few people care for others. The result is when those who do not care for others need to turn to someone to care for them, no one is available. This is a result of the “ME” generation that we live in.
As believers in Jesus we need to remember that God cares for us under every circumstance. He cares about all of our anxiety. He cares for us when we are lonely, hungry and hurting. There is not a situation that you may face that our God will not take you through it and care for you.
Peter wrote these words in I Peter from the ancient city of Mesopotamia known as Babylon. Christians were living under dire circumstances. They were suffering from severe persecution because of their faith. They had been forced to flee for their lives, leaving everything behind: homes, jobs and possessions. They had only what they could carry by hand and they fled to whatever place they felt was safe.
They were, so to speak, an underground people, having to live, work, and worship in secret and to find housing and food wherever they could. They never knew when they would be discovered and have to flee again. Unfortunately, there are people today in our world living under the same circumstances.
Imagine the agony, anxiety, the pressure, tension and stress being experienced by these believers. It is in this setting that Peter wrote these words. He was assuring the believers of that day as well as believers today, that there was great help available for them. God was available to help them.
If God could take care of these people in the terrible situation that they were facing, surely he will care for you in whatever situation you may be facing.
You need to note that the verse above as written by Peter is an exhortation, clearly stated but also a command. The word “care” in Greek is “Merimna” and means anxiety. He is saying as a command: cast all your anxiety upon Him, for He cares for you. God did not promise us that we would not suffer or go through difficulties. He promised to be there in the midst of our troubles
When we cast all of our cares upon Him, His mighty hand will save and deliver us, look after and care for us, strengthen and secure us, provide and protect us, and give us assurance and confidence. What more do you need?
In the prior verse, I Peter 5:6, Peter tells the believers and us that to prepare for casting all of our cares upon our Lord that we need to: “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” We are given a pre-requisite to accomplish before we cast our cares before the Lord. We are to humble ourselves.
There are three reasons for this. First, God is to be feared, for He resists and stands opposed to the proud. Pride keeps us from God. The proud cannot admit that they need God.
Secondly, we need to humble ourselves under God because He is going to exalt the humble. The proud exalt themselves.
Thirdly, we should humble ourselves because God cares for us. By comparison to God’s greatness and goodness we are nothing. Why should God care for us? It is indeed humbling to know that He does care for us.
When you face the problems of life, remember this verse and cast all your concerns and cares upon your Lord because He does care for you.
This week we are memorizing the fifth commandment found in Exodus 20:12.
Honor your father and your mother, that your days will be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
In my times of need help me to learn to cast all my cares upon You. Help me to realize that I cannot get through many of the situations that I face on my own strength and that I need your strong and faithful hand. Give me also a heart that cares for others as Your representative in their time of need.
Protects; provides; has affection, loves and shows concern for.
Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. I Peter 5:7.
In today’s world very few people care for others. The result is when those who do not care for others need to turn to someone to care for them, no one is available. This is a result of the “ME” generation that we live in.
As believers in Jesus we need to remember that God cares for us under every circumstance. He cares about all of our anxiety. He cares for us when we are lonely, hungry and hurting. There is not a situation that you may face that our God will not take you through it and care for you.
Peter wrote these words in I Peter from the ancient city of Mesopotamia known as Babylon. Christians were living under dire circumstances. They were suffering from severe persecution because of their faith. They had been forced to flee for their lives, leaving everything behind: homes, jobs and possessions. They had only what they could carry by hand and they fled to whatever place they felt was safe.
They were, so to speak, an underground people, having to live, work, and worship in secret and to find housing and food wherever they could. They never knew when they would be discovered and have to flee again. Unfortunately, there are people today in our world living under the same circumstances.
Imagine the agony, anxiety, the pressure, tension and stress being experienced by these believers. It is in this setting that Peter wrote these words. He was assuring the believers of that day as well as believers today, that there was great help available for them. God was available to help them.
If God could take care of these people in the terrible situation that they were facing, surely he will care for you in whatever situation you may be facing.
You need to note that the verse above as written by Peter is an exhortation, clearly stated but also a command. The word “care” in Greek is “Merimna” and means anxiety. He is saying as a command: cast all your anxiety upon Him, for He cares for you. God did not promise us that we would not suffer or go through difficulties. He promised to be there in the midst of our troubles
When we cast all of our cares upon Him, His mighty hand will save and deliver us, look after and care for us, strengthen and secure us, provide and protect us, and give us assurance and confidence. What more do you need?
In the prior verse, I Peter 5:6, Peter tells the believers and us that to prepare for casting all of our cares upon our Lord that we need to: “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” We are given a pre-requisite to accomplish before we cast our cares before the Lord. We are to humble ourselves.
There are three reasons for this. First, God is to be feared, for He resists and stands opposed to the proud. Pride keeps us from God. The proud cannot admit that they need God.
Secondly, we need to humble ourselves under God because He is going to exalt the humble. The proud exalt themselves.
Thirdly, we should humble ourselves because God cares for us. By comparison to God’s greatness and goodness we are nothing. Why should God care for us? It is indeed humbling to know that He does care for us.
When you face the problems of life, remember this verse and cast all your concerns and cares upon your Lord because He does care for you.
This week we are memorizing the fifth commandment found in Exodus 20:12.
Honor your father and your mother, that your days will be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
In my times of need help me to learn to cast all my cares upon You. Help me to realize that I cannot get through many of the situations that I face on my own strength and that I need your strong and faithful hand. Give me also a heart that cares for others as Your representative in their time of need.
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