May 5, 2013

Revenge: April 29, 2013

Today's Word for Monday APRIL 29, 2013.



To exact punishment for a wrong; a vindictive spirit; to inflict pain or harm; act to retaliate.


Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: it is mine to avenge: I will repay, says the Lord. Romans 12:19

Be sure that no one pays back wrong for wrong. But always try to do what is good for each other. I Thessalonians 5:15

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Romans 12:17


All parents discover early on that children have a natural instinct to get revenge. When our children got into a disagreement it was often hard to know which one was the bigger offender. One would say that the other one hit him or her. The other would say that their sibling had hit him or her first. The reply to that accusation was that it all was the other ones fault because of some unkind thing the sibling had done. Their justification for the fight or disagreement was that they were just getting even --- revenge. 

The desire for revenge is not limited to children. Basic human nature drives most people to want to retaliate when someone does them wrong. This attitude of revenge is not acceptable to God. Every day we have situations that brings out our desire to show some revenge. A fellow worker blames you for an incident at work. A friend betrays you. A spouse causes hurt feelings to the other spouse. For all of these issues, and many more, your natural response is to retaliate even if it is just verbal.

When people try to even the score and get revenge it starts a vicious cycle. Every act done to retaliate and get revenge on someone who has wronged us only results in another act of retaliation. Usually, each act or revenge is more severe than the previous one.

People in deteriorating relationships have a strong tendency to bring up "ancient history." They feel they have to get payback or revenge. The result is that they can never truly forgive and resolve their anger. They end up suffering even more as the bitterness eats away at them like a cancer. Paul tells us in Romans to let the Lord be our avenger. He will punish with justness and fairness. 

We have talked to people who have evidently been wronged years ago by a person but have never been able to conquer their desire to get revenge. As a result the relationship between the two people progressively gets worse. This is not acceptable in God's sight because He wants us to live a life honoring Him in all we do. When such an incident happens God expects you to respond with love and not repay evil for evil. (Romans 12:17). This is hard because it goes against our sinful nature. If we want to live a life honoring God by our words and deeds, we need to take the initiative and make things right.

Jesus commanded us to love one another as I have loved you (John 15:13). To love as Jesus loved means we must be willing to forgive. If we retain a desire to get revenge on someone who has hurt us we have not truly forgiven. Forgiveness is more than just saying the words, “I forgive you.” It involves attitude and actions.

As Paul advises us in I Thessalonians 5:15, "Always try to do what is good for each other." Paul also advises us that it is not our role to retaliate, to punish or to seek revenge but God's. When you respond with love and an understanding attitude it will make a lasting impression on the one that wronged you. It is a well known fact that it takes two to fight and when your response is done in love and showing care it takes "all the air out of the balloon" of the one that wronged you. One day God will right every wrong.

Next time you have a desire to retaliate, do something good and see what happens. You may have to, as the saying goes "bite your tongue."  It is hard to continue a fight when there is only one in the fight.


Our memory verse for this week is found in James 4:17:

Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.


Help me today to be responsive to wrongs done to me with a spirit of love. Keep me from returning evil for evil. My great desire is to be more like You. May others see Christ in all my words and deeds. Give me an attitude of forgiveness with my family, friends and neighbors.

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