September 9, 2012

Investing: September 7, 2012




To commit money in order to gain a profitable return; devoting, using, or giving of time, talent, or energy to achieve something.


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21

Then He said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." Luke 12:15.


We spent some time recently reading through a newspaper that had numerous pages of reports, suggestions and recommendations about investing. We read about good investments, shaky investments and bad investments.

We read about investing in land, in real estate, in gold, in banks, and in the stock market, to name some listed on the pages of the newspaper. The so called "professionals" gave varied opinions with very few agreeing on what to invest in.

We read reports on why some investments were successful in the past and why some failed. The one thing that we read continually was the uncertainty of all the investments.

When you think of the word INVESTMENT, what comes to your mind? Over the years we have met many people that live in cultures where the word investment would never be discussed and for most people could not even be defined. All of their thoughts each and every day were centered in survival.

We want to share with you today some thoughts from the scripture that deals with investment from God’s perspective. God is concerned about how we invest our time, talent and treasure.  The scripture gives us the best investment advice. Our purpose for investment should not be to amass earthly wealth but to amass heavenly riches. As believers our purpose and desire should be to invest our assets, whether time, talent or money in things that have eternal value.

In the verse above from Matthew six Jesus gives an investment alert when He said where our treasure is, there will be your heart. In other words if you invest your time in getting more money, being more popular or gaining a better position in life then what is most important to you. That is where your heart is. These things are temporary and do not last. They have no value in eternity.

In Luke 12:16-21, Jesus told a parable of the rich fool. A rich man who already had plenty of material things, but he tore down his barns and built bigger barns so he could store up more of this world's goods. The parable has a sad ending. He died with his barns full leaving it all to someone else. He had put all of his effort in preparing for his life before death but had neglected to prepare for life after death.

This man was rich in possessions but he was not rich toward God. This is the warning that we read in Luke 12:15 (above). We must "WATCH OUT!" and be on guard that we do not make the purpose of our life be to obtain worldly possessions.

We become rich toward God when we invest our time, talent and treasures in serving Him. We store up treasures in heaven by our acts of obedience and faithfulness in doing His will.


Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.


Help me and my family to carefully evaluate where we are investing our time, our talents and our treasures. Give us the wisdom that only You can give to help us be in Your perfect will concerning our investment of our time, talent and treasure.

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