June 10, 2012

Prejudice: June 8, 2012




An opinion often unfavorable; formed without adequate reasons; bias.


And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings. Acts 17:26.


Prejudice is a serious problem in our world today. Prejudice can be based on race, on the color of one’s skin, one’s culture,  on one’s social standing, on one’s financial status, talent or treasures of others, on education, on religious belief and any of a number of other things that sets one person apart from another. God’s Word has made it clear that prejudice of any kind is not acceptable. Prejudice grows out of pride and causes people to look down on others they consider inferior to themselves.

In the verse above we are reminded that all men and women today are created equal in God’s sight since all came from one man --- Adam. This teaching was a real blow to the national pride of the Greeks, who believed that all non-Greeks were barbarians. (Romans 1:14)

Likewise the Jews though they were superior to others. Jewish males recited this prayer every morning: “Lord, I thank You that I am not a gentile, a slave, or a woman.” Jesus came to make all believers one in Christ, because we are all joint heirs in Christ. No one is more privileged than anyone else nor is anyone better than anyone else.

In the verse (above) the writer of Acts says, “Having determined their appointed times and their boundaries of their dwellings.” God’s sovereignty determines when and where we are born and thus who we are.

We live a life of faith when we are a child of God. Prejudice and faith cannot coexist in the life of a believer. Prejudice destroys faith and faith destroys prejudice. In James 2:1-6 he writes that there must be no partiality, no prejudice in a believer’s life. If a person is prejudiced against another person for any reason he or she is not a true follower of Jesus. As believers we are to love one another. 

We cause real sorrow to others when we dishonor and debase others through prejudice or bigotry. Every human being is created in the image of God and worthy of honor. When by our own prejudice we demean someone we will wound another human being at the deepest level. We are all of the same family, the family of God. God expects us, as His children, to be treasured and cherished by one another. He desires us to show respect to all people because everyone was created by God in His very image.

The sad fact about prejudice is that it is usually passed from parent to child. Children learn from their parents. As believers, parents have the responsibility to make sure they do not have prejudice against others. If they do they can be sure their children will pick up on it.


Our memory verse for this week is found in John 6:47.

I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.


Continue to remind me daily that all of Your creations are rare treasures but none compares to one man’s worth to You. Thank You for creating me in Your image and help me to always show respect and honor to all of my fellow man.

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