May 13, 2012

Parenting: May 11, 2012




The rearing of children by parents; being a father or a mother that shows guidance to their child.


Discipline your children while there is hope. Otherwise you will ruin their lives. Proverbs 19:18 (NLT)

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. Galatians 6:7.


There are so many dysfunctional families today that we need to look at what God says about the responsibilities of parents. In Jeremiah 32: 18 we read that God will repay the iniquity of fathers into the bosom of their children. This unfortunately makes the children the victims of the sins of their fathers.

Jeremiah in these verses (17-19) speaks about generational cycles of sin. Unless someone in the family line makes a deliberate choice to change, sin and dysfunctional behavior will be passed from parent to child for many generations. This is just a confirmation of the principle of sowing and reaping.

But the opposite also is true. When parents pass down to their children standards and conduct that honors God and His Ten Commandments their children and children in future generations will be blessed of God if they stay true to what they were taught and learned.

We are seeing today the sad consequence of generations of parents failing to live according to God’s will which is reflected in the high percentage of marriages that end in divorce. Typically, it is the father who moves out of the house. When the father is not in the home it leaves a void of leadership in the lives of the children. It is the role of the father to be the spiritual leader of his family and to shape their perception of God. Depending on the type of role model a father is he can either draw his children to the Lord or drive them away.

Sometimes the easiest way to understand what we are saying is to look at negative examples to make that point.  Here are five very typical examples for you to consider. (Taken from Charles Stanley’s “In Touch” magazine)

•    The angry, unpredictable father instills fear in his children and teaches them by his actions that God is a tyrant who lashes out unexpectedly.

•    A critical, demanding dad makes his kids feel inadequate. They see God as a strict task master who is never pleased.

•    The uninvolved or absent father sends the message that his children are unimportant, and both he and God are too busy for them.

•    A macho dad’s tough, uncaring nature leads his children to feel unloved and they in turn conclude that the Lord doesn’t love them either.

•    A fault-finding or abusive father conveys that his children are worthless and God is full of condemnation.

A man with a Christ-like character provides children with a healthy emotional connection, not only to their earthly father but also to their heavenly Father.


Our memory verse for this week is the last of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:17.

You shall not covet.


As a parent help me to be a Godly role model for my children so that by example my children are drawn to You. As I read Your Word open up the truth of Your Word so I can demonstrate the love and compassion of God not only to my children but to others I associate with each day.

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