April 22, 2012

Merciful: April 16, 2012




Compassionate; lenient; forgiving.


Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7.


This Beatitude does not mean if you show mercy to someone that they in turn will show mercy to you. Some people may do this but not many. In some cases people have been persecuted in return for them showing mercy. But the bottom line is that we should not expect to receive mercy from those who do not know our merciful Savior.

Jesus showed mercy throughout His earthly ministry. He healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, made the dumb speak and the deaf to hear. He made the blind able to see and the lame able to walk. He raised the dead and fed the multitudes. He never failed to show mercy but did He receive mercy in return? No, the Roman army, the religious leaders, and many of their followers joined efforts to put Him to death on the cross. They showed religious hatred for God’s Son, not mercy.

We are to show mercy to others as and when they need mercy. We need to show mercy even when we know that the recipient may never show mercy in return. We are to show mercy in the name of our merciful Christ, who Himself will reward us not only in this life but in heaven.

Those who never show compassion or mercy have never acknowledged how great the mercy is that God has shown for them. Those who have not responded to God’s great gift of mercy will not receive mercy on judgment day. The acts of loving kindness that is done for others gives evidence of having received God’s mercy. Those who have received mercy must consider what it means to be merciful.

Merciful means to have a forgiving spirit and a compassionate heart. It is a deliberate effort, an act of the will, to understand a person and to meet his or her need by forgiving and showing mercy. Remember two things: God forgives only those who forgive others and a person receives mercy only if he is merciful.

The person who is merciful has a tender heart, a heart that cares for all who have need, both seen or unseen. The merciful does not hold back any kind of help, no matter the cost because they have the love of God dwelling in them. The person that is merciful also knows that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

You will be blessed by God when you care for others in their time of need. God expects us to care for others and at the moment that we do care for someone else you will find yourself being cared for by our Lord.

Jesus gave us an excellent illustration of mercy in the parable of the Good Samaritan. A lawyer asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” To answer the lawyer’s question Jesus told of a man travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho who was robbed, wounded, and left half dead by thieves. A priest came by and saw the man but did not stop to help. He showed no mercy.

A Levite also came along, stopped to look, but continued on his journey. He showed no mercy. Not only did the priest and the Levite show no mercy, they walked by on the far side of the road to avoid the man. But a Samaritan saw him, had compassion on him, and helped him without expecting anything in return. Jesus asked the lawyer, “So which of these three do you think was the neighbor to him who fell among thieves?” When the lawyer answered, “He who showed mercy on him” Jesus said to the lawyer, “Go and do likewise.”

Jesus says the same to us today when He says: Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.


This week we will memorize the seventh commandment found in Exodus 20:14.

You shall not commit adultery.


Give me a merciful heart with compassion for those who are in need that I pass by today. Help my family to be a merciful family that cares for one another and the world that we live in.

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