February 12, 2012

Wisdom: February 7, 2012




Understanding what is true, right or lasting. The ability of forming a sound judgment; discernment.


Seek wisdom as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures. Proverbs 2:4.


Solomon, in about the 10th century before Christ, recommended having a serious commitment when pursuing wisdom. In the definition of wisdom that we put above, understanding what is true, right, or lasting, is critical if we want a life that glorifies our Holy God.

In Proverbs 2, Solomon mentions several ways to describe our needed efforts to gain wisdom. He said, “Incline your ear,” “apply your heart,” “cry out,” “lift up your voice,” “seek her,” and “search for her.” If we put the same effort into seeking wisdom as many do in seeking silver and hidden treasures, God will assure us that our quest will not be fruitless.

Seeking wisdom takes effort. Many scholars take years of schooling to get wisdom. Wisdom does not come from schooling or books. In Proverbs 2:6-7, Solomon tells us: “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding.” The Lord stores up sound wisdom for the upright. The upright are true believers who desire to obey the Lord. If we seek God’s wisdom He will give it to us as He has promised.

Solomon who was the author of most of the sayings recorded in Proverbs was not only worldly wise but also personally insightful. As Solomon was preparing to ascend to the throne of Israel, God offered him anything he desired. He asked God for a wise and understanding heart to lead the people of God. This request revealed deep personal wisdom but wisdom alone would prove fruitless unless it was permeated by the wisdom of God, which He gave to Solomon in unusual measure.

The book of Proverbs approaches life for us from the position that God has all the answers. He is all-wise and all-knowing. Nothing is hidden from His knowledge. He understands all of the mysteries of life and has every answer to the riddles of life we each face from day to day. Therefore the beginning of wisdom for us is to revere and fear God. (Proverbs 1:7)

We are to remember to seek God with all of our heart because He is the source of all wisdom for our lives. You can acquire much knowledge in life but true wisdom only comes from God.


Our memory verse for this week is found in James 1:12.

Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.


Help me to seek Your wisdom with all my heart so that I will not rely on worldly knowledge but on the true wisdom that only You can give.

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