November 6, 2011

Anchor: October 31, 2011




A person or thing that can be relied on for support, stability or security; mainstay.


“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.” Hebrews 6:19.


When we think of anchors, we think of ships or boats. An anchor is lowered to keep the ship in place so it will not float into a dangerous position. In Acts chapter 27, the apostle Paul gives us an account of the time he was on a ship as a prisoner being moved with other prisoners to their trial. He tells of a terrible storm and then having to put the anchor out to keep the ship wrecked vessel from being dashed to pieces on the rocks.

Thinking of ships and boats, we remember going out in a small boat with an out board motor with my (Ken) mother and step father. We had our six children with us and we went out probably no more than a mile into the Pacific Ocean. All of a sudden we noticed that the boat was slowly beginning to fill with water. Since we had young children on board my step father radioed the Coast Guard for help. We knew an anchor would not help and a bucket bailing the water out of the boat was not sufficient. We knew that now was the time to pray. We all were praying and doing all we could to help get rid of the water at the same time, as we slowly tried to get the boat back to the safety of the shore.

Soon we saw a Coast Guard ship getting close. To say the least it was huge. We thought the whole American Navy was coming. They responded quickly probably, because they knew there were small children on board. To make a long story short the Coast Guard got us and the boat safely back to shore. That day, in our situation, a boat anchor was not what we needed. It was the anchor of hope in Jesus Christ that we relied on.

As Christians, our hope in Jesus is the anchor for our soul and it is sure and steadfast so we will not drift away. In the storms of life we are like a ship at sea that is tossed and battered and in danger of being dashed to pieces. Our anchor, Jesus Christ, is always with us keeping us safe, stable and in a position not to float away into worldly problems.

When you face each day in life, make sure your anchor of faith in Jesus is steadfast and sure. Seek the Lord daily to keep your anchor firm and put your trust in Him to keep you steady in the storms of life. He will be there with you every moment of the day.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 2:15.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


As I face this day, I think of the old hymn sung years ago, “My Anchor Holds.” Thank You for being my anchor throughout this day and it is my prayer that You will hold me close to You and lead and guide me and keep me on a steady course through my voyage in life.

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