July 10, 2011
Satisfafction: July 8, 2011
A feeling of contentment, gratification or fulfillment.
And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the Lord. Jeremiah 31:14
A good man will be satisfied from above. Proverbs 14:14.
Receiving the feeling of satisfaction for a successful accomplishment is a something that every person we know hopes to receive. Children, young people and adults are constantly looking for satisfaction.
A child receives satisfaction when he or she realizes that they have taken their first step. And then when they put steps together and begin to walk the satisfaction is expressed so clearly with their big smiles. And when a parent cheers them on and shows how excited they are, the satisfaction is even greater.
For young people satisfaction comes by such things as being accepted by their peers and complimented for a deed done well. A good grade on a test, or a good play in a game, and even being on a team that wins a game brings great satisfaction to a young person. Graduating from high school or college is a milestone in every student’s life that is long remembered as a special time of satisfaction.
Adults also look for satisfaction in accomplishments in their own lives. When a job or project is completed successfully satisfaction abounds. When a spouse solves a family concern satisfaction is felt by everyone.
But all the satisfaction we may receive on this earth is nothing like the satisfaction that our Lord has when one person comes to find Him as their Lord and Savior. The scriptures tell us that the angels will sing and rejoice when one person comes to Jesus.
The verse from Proverbs (above) says that a good man will be satisfied from above. The only way anyone can become a good man is by accepting Jesus as their Savior and asking Him to forgive our sins. When we accept Jesus we are a child of God. Children depend on their parents to satisfy their needs. God, our heavenly Father will not only satisfy all of our needs but will reward us from above if we are faithful to Him. The Lord satisfies us with His “goodness.” (Jeremiah 31:4) The Lord’s goodness gives us true and lasting contentment, more satisfying than anything we receive from this world we live in. Make sure today that your satisfaction comes from above and be assured that your satisfaction comes from the goodness of God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in I Corinthians 13:4.
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.
We praise You for the satisfaction You give us each and every day that comes from Your goodness. As children of God make us examples that others can see our satisfaction in You so that they will want to know You as their Lord and Savior. Make us Godly vessels to be used by You .
A feeling of contentment, gratification or fulfillment.
And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the Lord. Jeremiah 31:14
A good man will be satisfied from above. Proverbs 14:14.
Receiving the feeling of satisfaction for a successful accomplishment is a something that every person we know hopes to receive. Children, young people and adults are constantly looking for satisfaction.
A child receives satisfaction when he or she realizes that they have taken their first step. And then when they put steps together and begin to walk the satisfaction is expressed so clearly with their big smiles. And when a parent cheers them on and shows how excited they are, the satisfaction is even greater.
For young people satisfaction comes by such things as being accepted by their peers and complimented for a deed done well. A good grade on a test, or a good play in a game, and even being on a team that wins a game brings great satisfaction to a young person. Graduating from high school or college is a milestone in every student’s life that is long remembered as a special time of satisfaction.
Adults also look for satisfaction in accomplishments in their own lives. When a job or project is completed successfully satisfaction abounds. When a spouse solves a family concern satisfaction is felt by everyone.
But all the satisfaction we may receive on this earth is nothing like the satisfaction that our Lord has when one person comes to find Him as their Lord and Savior. The scriptures tell us that the angels will sing and rejoice when one person comes to Jesus.
The verse from Proverbs (above) says that a good man will be satisfied from above. The only way anyone can become a good man is by accepting Jesus as their Savior and asking Him to forgive our sins. When we accept Jesus we are a child of God. Children depend on their parents to satisfy their needs. God, our heavenly Father will not only satisfy all of our needs but will reward us from above if we are faithful to Him. The Lord satisfies us with His “goodness.” (Jeremiah 31:4) The Lord’s goodness gives us true and lasting contentment, more satisfying than anything we receive from this world we live in. Make sure today that your satisfaction comes from above and be assured that your satisfaction comes from the goodness of God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in I Corinthians 13:4.
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.
We praise You for the satisfaction You give us each and every day that comes from Your goodness. As children of God make us examples that others can see our satisfaction in You so that they will want to know You as their Lord and Savior. Make us Godly vessels to be used by You .
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