July 31, 2011
Glory: July 29, 2011
Exalted honor; splendor; radiance; majestic beauty; adoring praise; worshipful thanksgiving.
In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Judges 17: 6.
Apart from Israel, no other nation has had such a Christian beginning as America. Under the blessing of God, Israel began with a glorious heritage. Like Israel of old, God’s blessing rested upon early America. Our pilgrim forefathers made it clear that they came to the shores of America to propagate the gospel. Yet like Israel, as told us in the verse from Judges above, America has not only forgotten our heritage but we have forgotten God. America has lost her GLORY! It happened in America the same way it happened in Israel.
In Judges 2:10 we read that a new generation arose which forgot their relationship with God. Just like Israel of old, America is doing, “that which is right in its own eyes.” As believers we should be challenged to face the concerns we have in America --- (and in many other countries like yours, if you are not living in America) --- that Israel faced in years past.
In Judges 9, Abimelech, an ungodly man, seized power in Israel through violence and deceit and led the nation straight into judgment. This came right after God honored Israel and its general Gideon by giving them a great victory over their enemy the Medianites. The scripture tells us that as soon as Gideon died, the Israelites forgot God. (Judges 8:33-35) They not only did not give God the glory for all He had done for them but they chased after other gods. They were unthankful and their ingratitude to God led them into apostasy. Here in America, and in most of the other countries of our world people have become a thankless population. For GOD’S GLORY TO SHINE AGAIN WE MUST FIRST BECOME A THANKFUL PEOPLE.
Secondly, we learned that Israel’s reward for its thanklessness was a godless leader who built his administration on a godless coalition by buying his support with silver. In America and other countries in order for us to see the return of GOD’S GLORY we must have the courage to elect godly leaders who have the courage to reverse the ungodliness in our countries.
And finally we read in Judges 9:7-15 that the youngest son of Gideon stood up and told this parable of the trees. All the good trees and vines were “too busy” to take the reins of leadership --- which is what we are seeing today in our homes, in our neighborhood, in our churches and in our government --- as a result a useless thorn-covered bush gladly agreed to become king. The thorn bush represented Abimelech who became King when Israel no longer made godly leadership a priority. His ungodly leadership brought destruction to Israel. The apathy expressed here about Israel is true today across our world. We need committed believers to give Godly leadership so we will see THE RETURN OF GOD’S GLORY! Ungodly leadership leads to destruction all the time.
For glory to return to our countries we must have a mass return of our people to God. God works through His people. Who does He have to work through today? God would rather forgive than to judge. We need to turn from our wicked ways and pray daily as we are told in II Chronicles 7:14. We need a mighty awakening in our land so we can all again witness the GLORY OF OUR LORD!
Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 10: 14-15.
“Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
Help my family to remember that all that is necessary for evil to triumph in our world is for believers like us to do nothing. Give us a new drive to serve you and to reach out to the world that we live in to share the good news of the gospel to all we talk to today.
Exalted honor; splendor; radiance; majestic beauty; adoring praise; worshipful thanksgiving.
In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Judges 17: 6.
Apart from Israel, no other nation has had such a Christian beginning as America. Under the blessing of God, Israel began with a glorious heritage. Like Israel of old, God’s blessing rested upon early America. Our pilgrim forefathers made it clear that they came to the shores of America to propagate the gospel. Yet like Israel, as told us in the verse from Judges above, America has not only forgotten our heritage but we have forgotten God. America has lost her GLORY! It happened in America the same way it happened in Israel.
In Judges 2:10 we read that a new generation arose which forgot their relationship with God. Just like Israel of old, America is doing, “that which is right in its own eyes.” As believers we should be challenged to face the concerns we have in America --- (and in many other countries like yours, if you are not living in America) --- that Israel faced in years past.
In Judges 9, Abimelech, an ungodly man, seized power in Israel through violence and deceit and led the nation straight into judgment. This came right after God honored Israel and its general Gideon by giving them a great victory over their enemy the Medianites. The scripture tells us that as soon as Gideon died, the Israelites forgot God. (Judges 8:33-35) They not only did not give God the glory for all He had done for them but they chased after other gods. They were unthankful and their ingratitude to God led them into apostasy. Here in America, and in most of the other countries of our world people have become a thankless population. For GOD’S GLORY TO SHINE AGAIN WE MUST FIRST BECOME A THANKFUL PEOPLE.
Secondly, we learned that Israel’s reward for its thanklessness was a godless leader who built his administration on a godless coalition by buying his support with silver. In America and other countries in order for us to see the return of GOD’S GLORY we must have the courage to elect godly leaders who have the courage to reverse the ungodliness in our countries.
And finally we read in Judges 9:7-15 that the youngest son of Gideon stood up and told this parable of the trees. All the good trees and vines were “too busy” to take the reins of leadership --- which is what we are seeing today in our homes, in our neighborhood, in our churches and in our government --- as a result a useless thorn-covered bush gladly agreed to become king. The thorn bush represented Abimelech who became King when Israel no longer made godly leadership a priority. His ungodly leadership brought destruction to Israel. The apathy expressed here about Israel is true today across our world. We need committed believers to give Godly leadership so we will see THE RETURN OF GOD’S GLORY! Ungodly leadership leads to destruction all the time.
For glory to return to our countries we must have a mass return of our people to God. God works through His people. Who does He have to work through today? God would rather forgive than to judge. We need to turn from our wicked ways and pray daily as we are told in II Chronicles 7:14. We need a mighty awakening in our land so we can all again witness the GLORY OF OUR LORD!
Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 10: 14-15.
“Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
Help my family to remember that all that is necessary for evil to triumph in our world is for believers like us to do nothing. Give us a new drive to serve you and to reach out to the world that we live in to share the good news of the gospel to all we talk to today.
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